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  1. M


    Well that's not even really a negative, it isn't sold or designed as a pressure vessel.
  2. M


    Care to elaborate? Where have you heard these reports about the Guten SS conical fermenter? I was interested in getting one. I've read the AHB thread about it and not seen any negative reports.
  3. M

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    Some people use mylar balloons attached to the fermenter to collect CO2 so that when you cold crash it sucks in the CO2 from the balloon rather than just air.
  4. M

    Fermenting Under Pressure

    There is an interesting article written here (if you open this more than once, make sure to open in incongito mode as they appear to track your usage and will try to make you buy it if you open it more than once). On...
  5. M

    Solvent off flavours in last 3 beers

    My first research suggested it was likely a wild yeast/bacterial infection (so I've thought about this a lot already) but later research all suggested it was due to high fermentation temps. Going through the causes: - Yeast strain/underpitching/health: 3 different yeasts were used, both dry...
  6. M

    Solvent off flavours in last 3 beers

    My last 3 beers (IPA, weissbier, blonde ale) have all had solvent off flavours (my first few didn't). I haven't changed any of my equipment before and now so unsure why this would start now. I ferment in a 30L fermenting barrel like the type you buy from a HBS. I use a 200L fridge with an...
  7. M

    KK - 'Fermentasaurus' conical PET fermenter

    Fermentasaurus Gen 2 (Called Fermzilla 1 or 2?) is listed on Keg Land as "Due to be released to a wider audience in 2019" but you are already talking about a release of a Gen 3 (which is a fermentasaurus gen 3 not a fermzilla?) on KK before Gen 2 has even been released on Keg Land? God that's...
  8. M


    Bar keepers friend to clean the stainless
  9. M


    My losses are 2.75 L/hr at 2200W. Are you guys at 5L/hr using the 60L guten? Another important thing I've found is that the minimum water volume you can use is about 22L with a normal 5.5 kg ish mash to ensure there's enough water in the bottom of the kettle during mash to keep the circulation...
  10. M

    Robobrew V3 vs Guten

    Must be down to the grain bill or amount of hops added in the kettle, since those will increase kettle trub. We've not had a problem yet chilling and using the helix.
  11. M

    Robobrew V3 vs Guten

    We started off using the normal bazooka, this blocked within a few minutes of draining even after doing a whirlpool and using a hop spider. I ended up having to keep scraping the bazooka filter just to get flow going which inevitably disturbed the mesh and pushed some particles in. Wasn't fun...
  12. M

    Robobrew V3 vs Guten

    I only have the Guten and never used the Robobrew before, so not really a comparison as such. We've done around 10 brews in the Guten so far and it has been great. Electronic temperature control trumps gas any day IMO as long as you are willing to wait the extra heat up time. Had no real...
  13. M

    Feeling electricity through hands when using Guten

    I've been shocked from mine while being outside washing it out, while it hasn't been plugged in for over 30 mins. I believe that the capacitors are holding charge and dissipating when I complete the circuit to earth (standing in wet ground) and holding the wet steel. Either that or the base...
  14. M


    Similarly, I've seen recommendations of putting your immersion cooler into your boiling wort 15 minutes before the boil has finished. This is just overkill! You can put the cooler in basically as soon as you finish the boil, it will still above 70 degC and you can let it sit there for a minute...
  15. M


    You kill 99.99% of bacteria, protozoa, and viruses at temperatures above 70 degC in under a minute. CDC recommend boiling for a minute "just to be sure" to sterilise water. Boiling water is used just so anyone can be absolutely sure it has exceeded 70 degC (otherwise you'd need a thermometer...
  16. M


    Whirlfloc during the boil and chilling to 30 degC with a copper immersion chiller
  17. M


    I've done 2 brews with the helix, I whirlpooled both times and did a cold break as well and didn't have the helix block at all. The trub was nicely piled up in the middle and also about 80% up the height of the helix so only the top of the helix was actually draining but it still drained...
  18. M


    Wattage will affect the swing as it has a minimum "on" time and more watts = more heat. I mash at 800w. Also unfortunately the temp probe is right next to the element so temps will be different between your mash and element albeit only a couple degrees. I mentioned in an earlier post, if your...
  19. M


    Hey weal I think I got the same stainless mixing bowl as you to make a boil vent lid, do you attach the kettle lip to the lid lip in any way, or do you just rest it there?
  20. M


    The middle of the screen should be vertically higher than the outside edge of the screen, so that when you apply force to the screen this pushes outwards on the vessel. The other way around, the mesh screen will just collapse inwards from the weight.