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  1. Droopy Brew

    BIAB Weissbier (more banana, light colour)

    If bulk priming (ie adding the sugar to the fermenter prior to bottling) you will need to transfer the beer off the yeast cake into another fermenter or bottling bucket, add the dext and stir to mix (slowly to avoid oxidation) then bottle straight away. Wiezen is an easy beer to make but hard...
  2. Droopy Brew

    BIAB Weissbier (more banana, light colour)

    Just saw your reply before mine posted. If you want to darken it a little, I would use Caramunich 2. 50% Wheat, 10% Caramunich 2, 40% pilsner.
  3. Droopy Brew

    BIAB Weissbier (more banana, light colour)

    As above. Wb-06 will never see the inside of one of my fermenters again. 50:50 Pils wheat Hallertau at 45-60min for about 15IBU Minimal aeration to promote ester production from the yeast and dont make a starter if you have a vial of fairly recent yeast. Underpitching is not recommended except...
  4. Droopy Brew

    Chinook - Feedback and Observations

    Galaxy and Vic Secret both have high Cohumulone content which often gives a harsh bitterness. I'd be looking at those 2 as the possible culprits. Cohumulone tends to show up as harsh from 15-20minute exposure or longer. Your calculations may make it 20 minutes for IBU purposes but there is a...
  5. Droopy Brew

    Ripleys Believe It Or Not

    NSW win in Game 1 of the SOO was not the start of a dynasty.
  6. Droopy Brew

    First Stout

    Swap the pilsner for golden promise or marris otter if you can. Agree that Galaxy should not be a part of it. Noble or english hops would be better but Cascade will be far better than cascade. I would also aim for 40IBU assuming your AV will be around 5% or bigger?
  7. Droopy Brew

    Beer tastes like cider

    Yes it can be reduced significantly by giving it longer in the fermenter. Leave it another week and you should get rid of most of it. A higher pitch rate next tmie will reduce the likelihood of a repeat but you should always be looking to give your beer a minimum of 10-14 days in the FV...
  8. Droopy Brew

    We are going on kickstarter

    Im thinking not. The yeast may provide a different rate of fermentation but in a balanced chemical equation, the amount of CO2 produced from the fermentation of sugars to alcohol should remain constant. Whether the volume of CO2 is expelled in 24 hours or 24 days, shouldn't matter. It is a...
  9. Droopy Brew

    What's wrong in this image?

    Well I for one am thankful to your dog. Good work Rover.
  10. Droopy Brew

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Why? They do it every single game they lose irrespective of what the reffing is like. I remember a NSW colleague blaming the refs for the loss a couple of years ago when we dusted them to the tune of 50 points or so. You know that the higher the shrill voices of NSW about the reffing, the more...
  11. Droopy Brew

    Mouth feel on Northwest APA

    Details of whats in the lager/pilsner grain pack and how you are using it would be handy. 'Im assuming probably only pilsner grain and you are mashing it? If so you could mash at say 68C, add some carapils or wheat to it and you will start to get more body in it.
  12. Droopy Brew

    Steam sanitizing a wooden barrel?

    Perhaps put a few inches of water in your boil kettle (if it's big enough to hold the barrel) prop the barrel up above the water (can use anything such as a cake rack etc) and pop the lid on. Boil for 20 minutes or so and give it a good sauna.
  13. Droopy Brew

    Kegmenter transfer to keg: excessive foaming in transfer line

    Do you use John Guest fittings on the disconnects? Possible source of air intrusion. If the lines aren't cut square they dont tend to seal too well.
  14. Droopy Brew

    Consequences Lager

    Or go New World Pilsner and add some citra, mosaic, cascade etc. depends on what you are looking for. They are good FWKs but I find need a heavy hand on the dry hop to get them to sing. I also dont dilute near as much as they suggest- I find 3L for a total of 18L is about the sweet spot. Will...
  15. Droopy Brew

    RedX smash

    Soda stream for instant carbonation- brilliance! :icon_chickcheers: Looks to have come out a bit darker than I would have expected.
  16. Droopy Brew

    American Brown Ale

    Thanks mate. Not opposed to crystal, just I had a lot going on in there and wasnt sure it needed it. Yes Gladfield toffee is a great malt, I might add some of that in the mix. Yeah gotchya. Long way from tasting it mate- just developing an idea at the moment.
  17. Droopy Brew

    American Brown Ale

    Thanks mate but I was after feedback on my recipe which aside from being an American Brown, doesnt resemble Janets Brown in any way. It is a very well known and loved recipe and I will brew it one day but for now Im looking for a bit of feedback on mine.
  18. Droopy Brew

    American Brown Ale

    Appreciate a recipe check for this one I have just devised. I have tried to bring in a heap of malt presence with out the use of crystal and have a decent wack of rye in there because- well Rye. I want it to be malty and rich but also somewhat dry for drinkability and to bring out some hops...
  19. Droopy Brew

    Careless brewer rant: underboiling & miscalculated efficiency

    Ok yeah that makes sense. For a quick fix - and one I still use cos I couldnt get the cotton tip thing to work, you can just make up a measuring stick. Some decent class18 40mm PVC pipe will do (lower classes tend to warp when introduced to boiling wort). Get a reliable measuring jug and pour 5L...
  20. Droopy Brew

    Careless brewer rant: underboiling & miscalculated efficiency

    Ok yeah that makes sense. For a quick fix - and one I still use cos I couldnt get the cotton tip thing to work, you can just make up a measuring stick. Some decent class18 40mm PVC pipe will do (lower classes tend to warp when introduced to boiling wort). Get a reliable measuring jug and pour 5L...