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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Droopy Brew

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Hanson should employ the burqua full time. It suits her very rough melon.
  2. Droopy Brew

    Double Cannning

    See here for the spreadsheet: The 2 cans of pale ale will give you a fairly bitter ale. I would be looking to add some crystal malt to add some body and sweetness and some dry hopping for more hop flavour with that...
  3. Droopy Brew

    Converting a 50L keg for bright beer (or Fermenting) for $25 (plu

    Keg coupler and fittings will be the easiest option by a mile I reckon. I got one off gumtree for $30 plus I think $15 for the ball locks- total cost $60. Will hold pressure and enable easy transfer under pressure. Gravity transfers are not ideal with carbed beer.
  4. Droopy Brew

    Missed numbers - tips for improvement?

    Get a measuring stick mate. Reading 1 number without the other is pointless. If you mashed 20L and sparged 10L to get 1.053 then I would assume your grain bill is in the vacinity of 6-7kg. Water absorption is approx 1l/kg of grain so you will get at best 23-24L preboil. Drop say 4L for...
  5. Droopy Brew

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Maybe he could get a job with the government undertaking the testing for residency? Probably get a bonus for a high attrition rate
  6. Droopy Brew

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    How simply awful. How would they have mastered how to not sharpen a chisel properly if they couldn't speak English and take Stu's uncle's class? Maybe the real reason Stu's uncle ****** off the education industry. I certainly hope they spoke English while doing work outside.
  7. Droopy Brew

    Extra Dark Ale

    If you are smelling and tasting sourness then I'd say you more than likely have an infection. But that isn't the end of the world. Head the advice above and ferment it out. If it is an infection then it probably wont go away however there is the possibility that you have inadvertently brewed a...
  8. Droopy Brew

    American Brown Ale

    Just got around to ordering the grain for this one- only 2 months later. No Lindsay not trying to copy anything, I dont really go for the whole clone thing. I am looking at combining Mosaic and Challenger but. Has anyone used these in combination before? I cant recall my reason for deciding on...
  9. Droopy Brew

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Actually not Tilapia but the same family- cichlids. Mouth brooders as well and just as hardy. This is how tilapia got into our waterways but as is typical of the government they shut the gate after the horse has bolted (eg Whitespot disease).
  10. Droopy Brew

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    The reason tilapia are not allowed to be taken (or returned- must be killed and buried over 2m from the waters edge IIRC) is to prevent the spread of them. They are one of the most eaten fish worldwide (they still taste like **** compared to most of our natives- but you can live of it) however...
  11. Droopy Brew

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    I thought it was a fox at first glance but looks more like a cat from the photo. I know we get them that big out west of here. Thinking of starting a cane toad and Tilapia sanctuary myself.
  12. Droopy Brew

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    That feral cat is a ripper. Its funny, you will probably cop some hate for posting pictures of dead animals and will be told that you are a nature hater. Getting out an enjoying nature encourages kids to look after the environment but you will always get the bitching about destroying the...
  13. Droopy Brew

    Dry hop timing conundrum.

    If kegging, Id just keg hop straight up. AFAIK none of those hops are particularly prone to grassiness but 2 weeks is a long exposure time for dry hops.
  14. Droopy Brew

    Ripleys Believe It Or Not

    I had an equally lucky brush with hydrometer death recently. Arse dropped out of the tube from a standing position. However the hydrometer stayed with the plastic cap and landed on it. Not a mark. To top that, everytime I use it now, the hydrometer measurements for beer always face me. That...
  15. Droopy Brew

    Low OG Berliner Weisse - How Many WLP029?

    US05 deals very well with low pH. Might be worth considering? I have no idea how 029 goes in that environment.
  16. Droopy Brew

    Dry stout suggestions? Toucan? Spec grains?

    A couple of quick fixes to get the FG down would to be sub out about 250g of the dry malt for dextrose. The other option is adding an enzyme (available at HB shops) which will have the same effect. For a better stout as opposed to just dropping the gravity, take note of what the 2 gentlemen...
  17. Droopy Brew

    How long can you leave in the fermenter?

    If this current batch is indicative of his brewing then I have half an idea. Probably makes the VB very palatable indeed.
  18. Droopy Brew

    Normans Australia Ale clone

    The Pear/apple is common to Coopers yeast (recultured from a bottle, not the dry packets with the kits). Unsure if another company would have the rights to use that yeast but i believe it is identical to a commercially available English yeast (name escapes me atm). So without having tasted the...
  19. Droopy Brew

    Do I chuck my first BIAB wort?

    Yes chuck it.... In a fermenter with yeast. It sounds like your gravity reading was at heat too so that reading will go up significantly once at 20C. You probably have 1.050+
  20. Droopy Brew

    Flavour issue Pacific Ale clone

    How do you treat your water? If it is straight unfiltered tap water and your council has recently dosed it up with chlorine then you may have chloramine issues which will present as a antiseptic/chemical/bandaid flavour. Sounds the most likely suspect given the symptoms.