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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Droopy Brew

    Trinity Beach Nth QLD - any change of getting a decent beer ?

    No sorry. Lucky to find a decent drop in the bottl-os there. The variety has gone up 50% lately though with the introduction of Iron Jack. Exactly the same as GN but comes with a different label.
  2. Droopy Brew

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Case swap? Also- will you take hop infused salami and oyster shooters in exchange for ski lift passes?
  3. Droopy Brew

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    First we will take their breweries, then their coffee shops... I bags Garage Project.
  4. Droopy Brew

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Yep. Will be heaps better than having to walk across the road on a Saturday, telling multiple brochure waving social outcasts to **** off and find something useful to do on their weekends all for the chance to randomly cross 72 boxes on a bedsheet sized piece of pulped tree to vote in some self...
  5. Droopy Brew

    Anyone tried legacy hop variety?

    Thanks for the feedback. It is good to have someone come back and report results on something with very little intel. Have some of this at my LHBS so will try it next time I do something English.
  6. Droopy Brew

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    The sudden stop is just as much a factor. Stopping Kills.
  7. Droopy Brew

    What are you brewing in 2017 ?

    Just kegged my first lager. Pilsner with a new world edge (was out of Perle so subbed Mosaic and cascade). No finings, no filter, just 4 days @4C and 6 days @ -1C. Drinking now but putting some away to lager properly. 44L, 80% eff, OG 1050 FG 1010 ABV 5.2% IBU 33.5 8.5kg Pils 100g Acidulated...
  8. Droopy Brew

    Gose & Salt

    I brewed a 40L batch and used 4 teaspoons total. I found it was a good match, the salt was there, just enough to offset the light sourness (pH3.7). I would suggest a sourer beer would benefit from a bit more salt. I think a good Gose balances the sourness with the salt with the spice (I used...
  9. Droopy Brew

    Lager question

    Firstly, just like to ask the OP why are you concerned about German purity laws? You are a homebrewer, make what you like how you like IMO. You are not selling commercially in Germany so why bother? Most commercial breweries do use dex in their beers to thin them out- in Australia anyway...
  10. Droopy Brew

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Yes, the connectedness afforded by social media has not only given the DFMs a stage to perpetuate the intelligence sapping drivel, but it has enabled them to realise that there are a lot more DFMs out there than they ever imagined. This in turn has given the DFM's a place to socialise with...
  11. Droopy Brew

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    Rehydration is a government plot to control the minds of the masses through dihydrogen monoxide poisoning (with traces of aluminium for sun reflection). We have caught onto the airliner distribution networks so now the bastards are targeting the most enlightened of the population (brewers)...
  12. Droopy Brew

    Beerland. T.V show.

    BJCP 2018 New Style 20 D- Burnt Pickle Porter.
  13. Droopy Brew

    Danstar Diamond Lager Yeast in 11g Sachets

    Got a free pack of this. Anyone used it? Sounds like it might be good so if there is good feedback Ill build some up and give it a go.
  14. Droopy Brew

    Vale Hugh Hefner

    You would have to think Hef was being more than coy. Id say he left off a 0.
  15. Droopy Brew

    Beerland. T.V show.

    I found the ads a refreshing change from the rest of it. For all it's downfalls it still beats the **** out of another ******* show full of ********* squabbling over how to flambe a peach or screed a bathroom.
  16. Droopy Brew

    May have found a good low alc!

    Eff about 65% with those numbers. 69-70C is a common mash temp for Milds etc. Brings body while reducing attenuation so you can get low alc beer with some body.
  17. Droopy Brew

    May have found a good low alc!

    What is your volume? If you are brewing 23L with 4.6kg of grain, then you should be getting a lot more than 1.035 at 70% efficiency. Did you brew a bigger batch or was that with 3.6kg of grain?