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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Droopy Brew

    Step fermentation idea- can this work?

    So what you're saying is there's a German app for that? Thanks Bribie, now I have a name for it, I did a quick search and found some info on it. So my next question- I proposed to do this in 3 stages, perhaps 2 would be enough ie. 15L then add the extra 30L in that 24-30hr window. I guess the...
  2. Droopy Brew

    Step fermentation idea- can this work?

    So, I dont know if this has been done before or discussed however I was having a think the other day about progressively stepping up the volume of a ferment to grow the yeast in proportion. Take a lager for example, a great beer to brew no chill due to the low hop profile but requires an very...
  3. Droopy Brew


    It looks a solid recipe mate. You wont know yourself with temp control. Sitting it at 18C will produce a nice clean beer, you could even go to 16 or 17C if you wanted but 18C is fine. The malt bill is great for a pale ale. The IBUs are a bit high I reckon. By the book, PAs top out at 40IBU. I...
  4. Droopy Brew

    Pirate Life sells to AB InBev

    Thats right, the craft beer lovers know that, the fence sitters and "new to anything not megaswill drinkers" just think they are hipster as **** drinking "craft beer' . Cheaper to manufacture a brand than buy one out for big bickies then water it down. Absolutely. A legit label with a good...
  5. Droopy Brew

    Pirate Life sells to AB InBev

    Ok supposing that is the strategy. Why spend a **** load of money buying out a brewery with a large following of craft beer enthusiasts only to dumb it down, throw a lot of money at a marketing campaign to bring it into the vision of a new market, most of who know little about the brand whilst...
  6. Droopy Brew

    IIPA Help (First time creating my own recipe)

    Bacterial infection by the sounds, give the AG another go, you wont look back. Visual cues aren't a foolproof way of detecting infections- sometimes they look no different
  7. Droopy Brew

    IIPA Help (First time creating my own recipe)

    Dont let the first experience put you off. Why did it taste terrible? What did it taste of? Without any info, Im thinking it was likely an infection that was more a fermentation process than a wort making process at fault. A description of the off flavours would help.
  8. Droopy Brew

    IIPA Help (First time creating my own recipe)

    Firstly, if you are planning to do a partial with the full 2 kg of Crystal it will not be good- that is waaayyy too much. Secondly, you are set up to do All grain, your process is all grain with the exception of adding the malt extracts. Bite the bullet and do all grain. Pirate agenda has put...
  9. Droopy Brew

    Pirate Life sells to AB InBev

    Oh they will get production costs down, I never said otherwise. Its a volume game, if they triple the output costs will come down. The international bulk buying power of AB will also bring ingredient costs down. They are up scaling which produces efficiencies. If they do **** with the...
  10. Droopy Brew

    A grope among the gum trees.

    I'd love to see Southpark do an entire episode as a Goodies parody. This take on a classic episode with a modern cultural reference of sexual predation would be right up the ally of Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Can see it happening.
  11. Droopy Brew

    When you are tired of hoppy beers what do you brew?

    Mate NZ is the place for all sorts of beer you lucky bastard. I tried a heap over there (Wellington), most of them from local or NZ craft breweries. Sour beers that I recall were very good and you should be able to find locally are- 8wired (this was a belinner Wiess from a hibiscus infused...
  12. Droopy Brew

    When you are tired of hoppy beers what do you brew?

    So many options. Just brewed my first lager- Pils and loving it, so much better than most commercial examples I've tried. Love a good hefe- completely different taste to hoppy beers but interesting. Something dark. Sours. I have only brewed one (gose) however on a recent trip to NZ I blew my...
  13. Droopy Brew

    Pirate Life sells to AB InBev

    What it will mean is more of this good gear on tap. Pretty clear strategy from the big boys: 1- pick out some of the best craft breweries in Australia with a good brand, let them continue to do what makes them popular (ie. brew good beer) 2- use their massive marketing reach to push these...
  14. Droopy Brew

    A grope among the gum trees.

    I see you have met Wynnum1
  15. Droopy Brew

    A grope among the gum trees.

    Clear pattern starting to emerge that blokes with beards are sexual predators. I expect a few around here to be interviewed on ACA over the coming months.
  16. Droopy Brew

    Recipe Advice For A Deep, Piney IPA

    Nope, EBC. It is just a recipe i made up. I often refer to crystals by the EBC- C30, C50, C90 etc. 250g of 120-160 would probably be a bit dark I reckon.
  17. Droopy Brew

    Recipe Advice For A Deep, Piney IPA

    YEp that is right. So they can be steeped and dont need to be mashed. One I absolutely love and will give you plenty of caramel and toffee is CaraAroma which is a very dark crystal (400EBC or thereabouts). If you used say 80g of it and 120g of Caramunich (about 90 EBC) you will get those...
  18. Droopy Brew

    Help with IPA

    Agree with a lot of the above. 1) simplfy the grain bill and reduce the amount of Crystal 2) ditch the sucrose and mash a bit lower- 65C is a good starting point 3) you can afford to bump the IBUs which will have the pleasant side effect of more hops 4) Get your water profile geared towards...
  19. Droopy Brew

    Recipe Advice For A Deep, Piney IPA

    Been a while since I have done an extract beer but used to be able to knock out a fairly decent one. I'm not sure what hops are used in the Vale IPA but will work on the brief of piney aroma/taste, reasonable bitterness and carmel malts. Steep some grains in 5L of water - 250g Cr 60 - 80 will...