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  1. Droopy Brew

    What is this "recipe" close to? (Noob question)

    Maybe something close to an English Ordinary Bitter but with German hops and american yeast.
  2. Droopy Brew

    Dropped lid seal into full keg

    YEp leave it in there as you have done. Seal should have been sanitary anyway so no harm done. One thing to note but- if you are doing a closed transfer, taking the lid off to see whats happening completely defeats the purpose of doing an enclosed transfer in the first place as you let O2...
  3. Droopy Brew

    Little Creatures Pale Ale

    Thanks for sharing mate. I dont usually attempt clones or someone elses recipes but this one interests me. Just interested in a couple of things- the IBUs at 50+ is that correct? Seems a lot higher than I would have suspected for this beer. Also the difference in calculated vs actual OG is...
  4. Droopy Brew


    I had 3 ordered but happy to forgo one if someone is missing out.
  5. Droopy Brew

    Ale Malt for Lagers

    Yep I call BS on the Pale = Pils. I find a very distinct difference in taste between them. Colour might be the same but can laways pick a beer with high amount of pils. I also find the same for Lager yeast. I dont agree it is a cleaner fermenting yeast than some ale yeasts. I notice a very...
  6. Droopy Brew

    Inkbird Giveaway! Open to All!

    Lucky number 919. In
  7. Droopy Brew


    Ill grab 3 at that price.
  8. Droopy Brew

    Is this too good to be true? 10% discount CODE? Possibly good for Kegerator Purchase

    Worked for me. 2.6kg CO2 cylinder on the way- beauty.
  9. Droopy Brew

    Just how DO you get that juicy IPA taste and aroma?

    As DrMcB just said, the origin of the IPA is disputed in many circles. Anyway that's a discussion for another thread.
  10. Droopy Brew

    Just how DO you get that juicy IPA taste and aroma?

    There is some conjecture about that story but regardless, I bet those beers weren't great.
  11. Droopy Brew

    Just how DO you get that juicy IPA taste and aroma?

    Your problem isn't oxidation it is secondary fermentation at high temperatures. Don't take my word for it but, next batch bottle as normal and put the bulk of them in temp control at about 18-20C (if you only put a few in temp control for comparison you will kick yourself when you taste the...
  12. Droopy Brew

    Red Ne-IPA (hopping, yeast and scheduals for the jusiest IPA?)

    Looks like it will be a good beer however there are a few tweaks I'd make. First one would be to drop the IBUs a bit as I think for an NEIPA flavour profile with a gravity of 1.062 you are probably after a total IBU of 50-60. Also with the FWH, I would be halving that contribution to about...
  13. Droopy Brew

    Huge All Brand New & Unused Equipment Sale

    Interested in the Mill. Is it the Mini Mill master or an older/larger version? Hopper included?
  14. Droopy Brew

    Out by oral.

    HE did suck. Probably the end of that experiment I'd say. Couldn't back up WACA domestic form unfortunaely. Back to Renshaw or maybe look at Burns or moving Marsh up to opener and Hanscomb back in for the SAfer tour.
  15. Droopy Brew

    No Topic Thread

    How many Germans does it take to change a lightbulb? One, ve are efficient and dont have ze humour.
  16. Droopy Brew

    What are you brewing in 2017 ?

    Sneaky last brew for 2017 last night with a mate of mine as a collab brew.. American Porter that won the ClubWars comp this year at QHBC. It got big wraps so thought I should at least brew it myself. About 80% Pale, 4% of each RedX, Shepards delight and Choc, 8% Oats and a smattering of Black...
  17. Droopy Brew

    Dry hopping when the Krausen won't drop

    It is likely that the dry hops will aid in the krausen dropping. Has done for me in the past.
  18. Droopy Brew

    HEAPS of trub - what to do?

    Probably the best thing to do and the lowest infection risk, is to ferment normally but tilt the fermenter up at the tap end. I suggest a calibrated piece of 4x2 timber for this. That way the excess trub will end up away from your tap.
  19. Droopy Brew

    Step fermentation idea- can this work?

    Would you agree that if I did this and turned out a beer that was free of yeast faults such as diacetyl, actelaldehyde etc then it would be a valid conclusion that this method can and does work? If there were faults then it does not mean it cant work, it would require further experimentation to...
  20. Droopy Brew

    Step fermentation idea- can this work?

    And I had you pegged as someone that was for experimentation Agree that timing will be of the essence. Understanding the yeast phases and when to introduce the wort will be key. An O2 stone in the cubes will do for aeration. I reckon it will be worth a go and am fairly optimistic that it will be...