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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    RIMS - do we think it's something it's not meant to be?

    My reading of the terminology was always that RIMS directly heated the recirculated wort, whereas HERMS heated it indirectly via water, which was itself heated directly. The functional distinctions are that the wort can never exceed boiling temps in a HERMS, whereas it can in a RIMS, which...
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    2 popes canonized

    You know, being cast into a herd of swine wouldn't necessarily be all that bad. Swine know how to have a good time... Every day is a dinner, followed by mud-wrestling, followed by more dinner.
  3. S

    Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

    They can be rough, for sure. But most proper utes I've driven are that way. I spent a few summers driving a Chevrolet 3/4 ton and a Chevy duallie in the Absarokas (Wyoming), and a few years driving a variety of Toyotas and Nissans in the Victorian Alps and Brindabellas, for work. They're all...
  4. S

    AHB Strava Club

    Hell yes. My Garmin fell off my bike and under a truck last year, but if I can find a free iphone app that will do the job, I'll definitely join up! I've been riding for 24 years, around 15-20,000 k horizontal and 200 k vertical per yr, less as I get older and more responsible. I love climbing. +1
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    Russian Imperial Perle Island Stout - Comments

    Out of curiosity, were you aiming for a particular commercial beer?
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    Hydrometer reading rise

    This can be a huge effect. I just took a hydrometer reading; straight out of the fermenter (but after allowing the surface foam to go away), it was 1044. After letting it gas off a bit and ensuring no bubbles were clinging to the hydrometer, it's now 1037. It's not temperature, because the...
  7. S

    Dubbel: bottle or keg?

    Jameson: That's a great idea. I'll definitely bottle some, if not half. Angus and Crusty: Thanks for the warning about letting it condition adequately. I'd better do another brew very soon so I'll have something else to drink, and won't be tempted to crack this one before its time. How big...
  8. S

    Dubbel: bottle or keg?

    I'm brewing a Belgian (a dark dubbel, og 1068) for the first time since obtaining a kegerator. I know Belgians are often bottle conditioned. So I'm debating whether to keg or bottle it. It's chugging along fiercely and promises to be one of my best beers ever. I dearly love Belgians... Does...
  9. S

    Airlock not 'bubbling'/fermentation not working?

    I never thought of trying catnip. That's pretty clever.
  10. S

    Using electronic scales for running gravity reading

    The OP is using a plastic fermenter, as are the great majority of homebrewers.
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    LNP win in Tasmania

    . OK, son. More ******** name calling. Explain why it is gibberish or shut the **** up.
  12. S

    Using electronic scales for running gravity reading

    I know what a mass flow controller is, as I have a dozen or so in my laboratory. I don't know why you would want to pressurise the fermentation, particularly in a vessel that is not designed to withstand pressure, such as a glass or plastic carboy. If you used an MFC for this application...
  13. S

    Using electronic scales for running gravity reading

    You'll want a mass flow meter, not controller. The beer controls the rate of CO2 efflux.
  14. S

    Using electronic scales for running gravity reading

    My calculation was internally correct but it was the wrong calculation! Here was my calculation: 4 kg DME x (1000 g DME/1 kg DME) x (72 g C/180 g DME) x (1 mol CO2/12 g C) = 133 mol CO2 As long as DME is 100% carbohydrate (C6H12O2 in whatever form -- maltose, glucose, etc), it will have 72 g...
  15. S

    Using electronic scales for running gravity reading

    BTW, because gas flow out of the fermenter (i.e., bubbling) is at steady state with CO2 addition to the headspace, which means the bubbling flow rate equals the rate of CO2 production. This means you don't have to measure CO2 concentration even during the first day, before the headspace becomes...
  16. S

    Using electronic scales for running gravity reading

    Only around ~0.2% of the total CO2 from fermentation will be in the headspace (assuming wort with 4 kg DME, 5L headspace, 18 deg C, 100% CO2 in headspace, 80% attenuation). - 4kg DME = 133 mol CO2... 80% attenuation = 106 mol CO2 - n/V in headspace = 0.04 mol/L of air... 5L headspace, 100% CO2...
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    LNP win in Tasmania

    Every day. I never understood the 'gamey' thing. I think it's great. Roo is a healthier and more sustainable protein source than beef in this landscape.
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    LNP win in Tasmania

    OK. But WTF does the incompetence and corruption have to do with the fact that they're left of centre? Nothing. Any group that stays in power for a long enough time eventually becomes wasteful, lazy and corrupt. So your fallacy is transiting the black word 'corrupt' onto 'leftist'. And the...
  19. S

    LNP win in Tasmania

    How dare they? You'd barely had time to exploit the land after stealing it from the natives! The horror! Or better yet, you could listen to evidence and stow the schoolyard name-calling. 'Common sense' is usually political shorthand for 'what I already believe,' which in turn is usually...
  20. S

    Can i leave my wort over night to cool?

    You're right on that science, as far as it goes: it's certainly true that heat diffuses faster in concrete than in air, water or dry soil, and faster in aluminium than in steel. But the trick is not to rely on diffusion of heat in the first place -- use a fluid (air or water) but make sure...