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  1. GalBrew

    Survey results

    I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm seriously asking how else do you actually run a comp without judging criteria from a logistical point of view. You can't just line up 400 odd beers (as we had a Vicbrew last year) and run a best of show. It's just not possible.
  2. GalBrew

    Survey results

    I'm not sure how exactly you would like beers to be judged if not against style criteria. Even 'crazy' beers entered in the specialty category are judged in part against their base beer style. Beer competitions are not about artistic expression, they are an attempt to objectively quantify the...
  3. GalBrew

    Lion Quits Craft Beer Industry Association

    I agree with you and are on the side of independent breweries. It's just the hypocrisy that was inherent in the founding of the CBIA that gives me the *****.
  4. GalBrew

    Lion Quits Craft Beer Industry Association

    Yes, it's a good move. Good on them. I do find it a bit disingenuous to use the fees from the big boys to found the CBIA and then give them the boot , but at least they are finally coming clean (not sure why they didn't start out this way).
  5. GalBrew

    Keg Leak Troubleshooting

    I have just undergone fixing my leaking keg fridge after coming back from holidays to find the gas bottle empty. I had 3 leaking kegs, which required replacing the gas post seal. The only foolproof way of working where your leaks are (if you can't see them after spraying starsan everywhere) is...
  6. GalBrew

    Brewing with fruit in secondary

    I would go to he Milk the Funk wiki and have a look at the packaging section.
  7. GalBrew

    No Chill Versus Chill?

    Not necessarily as all the crud will settle out and fall to the bottom of the cube, all the more if you are cube hopping. You can then siphon the wort out of the cube into the fermenter, leaving break material and hops behind.
  8. GalBrew

    Mash on a higher temperature

    I'd tip it and start again. It's not going to be good.
  9. GalBrew

    fermenting honey, student science experiment

    Honey in its natural state will not ferment due to its high sugar concentration so you will have to dilute it so it can be fermented, however If you dilute honey to the stage where it will ferment I imagine it will lose its antiseptic properties (otherwise it would kill the yeast). I also...
  10. GalBrew

    Pale Ale, thoughts..

    That is contradictory advice. How about we forget the sugar and mash a little cooler eh? 67deg will be fine. Pay attention to your yeast and you should get to 1.010 FG.
  11. GalBrew

    Gypsy / Contract Brewing in Melbourne

    Cavalier are definitely up for contract/gypsy brewing.
  12. GalBrew

    Stuck fermentation

    One of the reasons i persisted with s-04 is that it is such a good flocculator. Once it's done it drops like a brick leaving very clear beer for very little effort. It's my go to yeast for all dark ales. I even saw a blog post of the Mad Fermentationist where he made a NEIPA with s-04 and it...
  13. GalBrew

    Stuck fermentation

    If only I had a dollar for every time I've responded to this. S-04 is a perfectly fine yeast, you just have to know it's quirks. Search for one of my previous responses for specifics. [emoji106]
  14. GalBrew

    Wild Yak

    Each new Yak is worse than the last.
  15. GalBrew

    S-189 lager yeasts at Ale temps

    I usually pitch 30g into a 23L batch. Works great, works fast.
  16. GalBrew

    Ella (formerly Stella)

    Yes my beer is currently lagering, so will be interesting to see what it is like after 6 weeks of aging.
  17. GalBrew

    Ella (formerly Stella)

    I agree with the more fruit and less spice assessment. I cubed hopped a pale lager with some Ella and during fermentation all I got was tropical fruits, not spicy or floral at all.
  18. GalBrew

    S-189 lager yeasts at Ale temps

    Grain and Grape have the 11.5g packets on their website.
  19. GalBrew

    Extra Stout.

    If you want to stick with a dry yeast I have found that s-04 works really well with dark ales. Just make sure your pitching rate is adequate. I usually pitch 2 rehydrated packs into a stout of that OG.