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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. fungrel

    Grain mill setup

    In between crushes I use a can of compressed air (keyboard cleaner) from kmart and give it a light blow in and around the moving parts.
  2. fungrel

    February Meet - Sun 18th?

    I'll only have Cluster to divide, if you want a few just send me a PM.
  3. fungrel

    Growing Hops In The Hunter Valley

    I live on Central Coast and also recommend Chinook, as well as Cluster.
  4. fungrel

    Growing Hops In The Hunter Valley

    The general advice I was given is to start with a few varieties in a few locations, and by the end of the second year you'll know which ones grow best where. Certain varieties are easier to grow than others.
  5. fungrel

    Ale fermentation time

    I use pretty much the same techniques as you do (including a high pitching rate), and 1056 just achieved 1.008 from 1.048 at 85% without any real explanation. I do find this phenomenon somewhat randomised as I've struggled to find a cause
  6. fungrel

    Fraser Coast 2018 Comp

    I've noticed that you ask some survey questions on your entry form, are you willing to share those stats with the general public after the conclusion of the competition?
  7. fungrel

    Extra Special Brewers Home Brew Competition 2018

    No offense, but every year I need to go searching for comp and cutoff date. Can you throw that on the landing page??
  8. fungrel

    Probiotic Lacto for a Sour

    Also keen to know pitching rates
  9. fungrel

    Chilli! All Things Chillies.

    Just like there are definitive books for brewing, can anyone suggest a book or two to help speed my knowledge of growing chillies? I'm also assuming that there are sites too. Growing a hydro Jalapeno, Carolina Reaper and dirt grown Trinidad Scorpion. Landscaping garden over winter to prepare for...
  10. fungrel

    Morgans Pacific Pale Ale - Low foaming when mixing in fermenter.

    I would be looking at the differences in dry malt, rather than the kit. Protein content of DME changes a lot.
  11. fungrel

    Cube question -- what to call it when searching for one to buy?

    [a cube](
  12. fungrel

    April Brew Meet 15/4

    I'm out. Trying to be good this month and abstain from heaven's nectar.
  13. fungrel

    Yeast in Newcastle?

    @Brewman_ is located just outside of Newcastle and sells Wyeast. I suspect that if you want White Labs instead of Wyeast you'll have to look at getting it posted from Sydney at the closest.
  14. fungrel

    50L Braumeister plus accessories $1800

    Bargain. If I didn't have one myself I'd snap that up.
  15. fungrel

    Whats In The Glass

    It's not because Munich sucks, it just reduces the drinkability. I notice that malt in the background instead of blending in with the Vienna.
  16. fungrel

    Whats In The Glass

    oops double post
  17. fungrel

    Whats In The Glass

    2 kg - German - Floor-Malted Bohemian Pilsner (47.1%) 1 kg - German - Vienna (23.5%) 1 kg - German - Wheat Malt (23.5%) 250 g - German - Munich Light (5.9%) HOPS: 8 g - Dr. Rudi, Type: Pellet, AA: 11, Use: Boil for 75 min, IBU: 13.25 16 g - Cluster, Type: Leaf/Whole, AA: 6.5, Use: Whirlpool for...
  18. fungrel

    Whats In The Glass

    Wet hops in the whirlpool, dry hop, and keg. Would probably drop the Munich by half, but other than that I'm pretty happy with it.
  19. fungrel

    Fresh hop Easter

    If anyone is brewing this weekend, feel free to come over and pick the rest of my hops. I have Cluster and Chinook sitting on the bine ready, combination of can't be bothered and don't have freezer space. Would be 250+ on the bines. PM me if you want them.
  20. fungrel

    What's your favorite pale ale recipe?

    I didn't reference any particular recipe for the hops, I've always like a really earthy bitterness like a hop that Ella would give and so it's not so fruity overall. Hops still have a bite to them.