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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. fungrel

    Brewer's Friend Premium Membership Giveaway

    I have premium but will put my hat in the ring
  2. fungrel

    October Oktoberfest meet 21/10

    Once again I'm a big maybe, I would only have an American Wheat if attending which is bastardising the German tradition and downright blasphemous.
  3. fungrel

    Storing stainless air stone in ethanol?

    Interesting, I thought the same but ended up getting a 70% solution to do a quick spray/soak before using. I always wash immediately and air dry so I haven't bothered keeping in a solution.
  4. fungrel

    Picobrew Zymatic for sale

    Is it sold with all items from the original box including manuals?
  5. fungrel


    I think people have an issue on the mobile app because the app takes the last posted image/vid an uses it as the banner. Therefore it can look like you're spamming, even though you may have posted the same content weeks apart.
  6. fungrel

    Bay Rd Brewing - brew club meet?

    Gosford, but not too sure where. There isn't a Bay Rd, there is a Bay Ave though?
  7. fungrel

    Bay Rd Brewing - brew club meet?

    So as soon as i saw there was a new brewery in town, i shot them a message about getting home brewers involved. Got this response: "Hi Tim, thanks for your message. I would love to chat with you more. We are super keen to get involved with local brewers and are already thinking about allowing...
  8. fungrel

    2018 NSW State Comp

    It takes someone to develop proof of concept and write it. I believe other states may have done something similar but I you'll find that states are siloed in that respect. Every comp is different in the way they tabulate and publish, it's no different in other countries.
  9. fungrel

    2018 NSW State Comp

    Some people don't 'wait patiently' for feedback in the same way everyone is 'waiting patiently for their results' Just like everyone has an opinion on how a comp should run. Your post in the context of this thread sounds more like a criticism than a suggestion. Be sure to talk more about your...
  10. fungrel

    2018 NSW State Comp

    Yeah I see this being an issue in the future.
  11. fungrel

    Dedicated Braumeister Guide, Problems & Solution Thread

    One of my taps leaked, warranty replacement and easy to do. Clean pumps every time, always crud in there and less than 5 min to do.
  12. fungrel

    2018 NSW State Comp

    I think it's a better system than naming all brewers. Rest assured, you'll know those who are impressed (and less than impressed) with their scores.
  13. fungrel

    2018 NSW State Comp

    There's usually a post indicating that scores have been published. It's run entirely by volunteers so give it a little while.
  14. fungrel

    Good brewing blogs / websites etc?
  15. fungrel

    Robobrew V3 vs Guten

    The blind squirrel will eventually find the nut.
  16. fungrel

    Homebrewing Podcast Guest

    With respect to OP, I've heard Hendo speak on podcasts a handful of times, Brendan a few, Bamforth a dozen. I agree that if the person has a unique approach or an interesting brewing philosophy (along with a entertaining personality), it generally trumps knowledge. Look at Experimental Brewing...
  17. fungrel

    Homebrewing Podcast Guest

    What the community doesn't have in au is the interviews with competition winning amateur brewers. With the sheer amount of podcasts interviewing the big guys, you may need a point of difference to sell it.
  18. fungrel

    Robobrew V3 vs Guten

    Wort making process is the most labour intensive of all the brewing processes, but I'd argue that it has the potential to contribute the least amount flavour-wise. So many other factors in play outside of the first 4hrs in a beer's life. There isn't a considerable difference between the a $4k...