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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. abyss

    Soda stream thread

    Sorry I meant to say between the adapter and cylinder.
  2. abyss

    Soda stream thread

    I've just set up my new regulator and it was not sealing between the adapter and reg so I added a fibre washer behind the silicone washer on the reg and all is good.
  3. abyss

    2017 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Rocker those yellowish leaves on your Fuggles don't look right mate.
  4. abyss

    Soda Stream Adapter and Reg

    I will hopefully test it out on the weekend. My ideas on this set up originated from this great forum and I thank you all. Happy days.
  5. abyss

    Soda Stream Adapter and Reg

    My reg arrived, looks good to me.
  6. abyss

    from the mouths of babes

    Years ago my young bloke about 5 answered the phone and I heard him say **** you then he slammed the phone down. Who was that I asked and he replied just some ******* Indian sales man.
  7. abyss

    Keg Transfer Made Easy...

    Thanks Ross it worked for me.
  8. abyss

    Soda Stream Adapter and Reg

    I've got two advanced adapters from CO2 Art which are the same thread as my Keezer reg and I'm waiting on two of these which are supposed to fit. The regulators were 32 Quid each. I will let yous know when they arrive.
  9. abyss

    O2 into H2O

    I mixed my goo and oxy water up a couple of hours ago and already have some gurgling out of the air lock. I used Morgan's Euro lager yeast 15g. I'll keep yous posted.
  10. abyss

    O2 into H2O

    Thanks LC I've just had a crack at it but my gauge is in litres per minute so I took it up to 20 l/m, burped it a few times and chucked into my lager fridge. I'm brewing in the morning unless I go fishing and will let you guys know how it turns out.
  11. abyss

    O2 into H2O

    I'm thinking of starting at 10 psi. I'm not a scientist but.
  12. abyss

    O2 into H2O

    I'm thinking of pressurising a corny full of water with O2 through the dip tube, let it sit overnight then transfer it to my fermenter with my kit brew instead of using an oxy wand. I can't see why it wouldn't work but am wondering how much pressure to use. My other idea is to just connect a...
  13. abyss

    My little porta keg system from the mini keg bulk buy.

    Is that a Carlton draught bottle cap in the last photo ?
  14. abyss

    Fermenting Fridge To Sit On My Washing Machine

    Just chuck it on top and you won't have to buy an oxy wand.
  15. abyss

    Kegmenter triclamp

    That's cool rude. I hope some lube fixes it for you. Did you make or buy the lid and where did you source the clamp mate.
  16. abyss

    2017 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Ok thanks Rocker I'll keep watching.
  17. abyss

    2017 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    I've only got three 1st year plants in pots so far,Saaz, Dr Rudi and Cascade. I was in too much of a hurry to get started. Next year I want to plant POR, Cluster and Enigma if I can find them. I'm thinking of building a huge steel frame with endless ropes hanging down or string some wire cable...
  18. abyss

    2017 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    I have been liquid fertilising my hops and vegetables every two weeks on the full and new moon with thrive and seasol and everything is powering. I am using the flower and fruit thrive on my tomatoes etc but still using the higher nitrogen one on my greens and hops and am wondering when to...
  19. abyss

    2017 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Cool set up mate, you've got me thinking about a similar set up for next year.
  20. abyss

    2017 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    Thanks Mate, I'm going in to town to get some band aids anyway.