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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. abyss

    Kit & Kilo Recipes

    G'day mate In my opinion a good starter kit is Morgan's Stockmans Draught. You can add liquid malt, dry malt or a pre packaged dry combination of stuff and either brew as a lager or ale. Dry hopping is a good way to get the flavour and aroma addiction going. Start simple one step at a time and...
  2. abyss

    CO2 Manifold

    That would look awesome on your Keezer Digga.
  3. abyss

    Will this work?

    Fair enough, the idea just had me thinking and thanks.
  4. abyss

    Will this work?

    Would cool boiled do the job mate ?
  5. abyss

    Will this work?

    Would this also work after fermentation ?
  6. abyss

    Getting into Kegging

    Mate you could naturally carb the 19l keg. I often do this when doing large batches and only add around 85g of Dex and leave the keg in my wardrobe for a few weeks.
  7. abyss

    Dr Rudi (Super Alpha) hop variety not in Australia?

    Dr Rudi ? Top Saaz Cascade
  8. abyss

    Dr Rudi (Super Alpha) hop variety not in Australia?

    Here is a photo of my Dr Rudi flowers compared to Saaz and Cascade. Notice how long the Dr Rudi are, I hope this helps.
  9. abyss

    Whats In The Glass

    This is only half a glass because the ******* keg blew out but I've been loving it. Morgan's QLD lager with a tin of malt enhancer dry hopped with Cluster flowers, POR and Tett pellets. Brewed as a lager with O2,cold crashing and ****. Too easy.
  10. abyss

    Dr Rudi (Super Alpha) hop variety not in Australia?

    I bought a rhizome last season on eBay off a bloke from Yass. It only produced around 200g of cones but the few brews that I dry hopped with it were all very swillable. I often use a Dr Rudi, POR and Cluster mix for dry hopping.
  11. abyss

    A use for old crushed grain?

    Get some chooks. Another addition to the hobby.
  12. abyss

    Brewman Dealz

    I'm more than happy to buy your hops mate, they smell and taste good to me.Excellent products and service in my book. It would be handy to be able to calculate postage when ordering so as to get the best bang for buck. Keep it up Steve.
  13. abyss

    Chilli! All Things Chillies.

    Yea that's the one.
  14. abyss

    Chilli! All Things Chillies.

    If anybody wants some free seeds just message me. They are all hot to my tastes but happy to share.
  15. abyss

    Brewman Dealz

    450g please Steve.
  16. abyss

    Brewman Dealz

    POR arrived today even the packet looks cool. Put me down for some Enigma to go with my Orbit and Dr Rudi please Steve.
  17. abyss

    Spunding Valve

    Is your Mum interested in organising a bulk buy ? Wish her a happy Mothers Day from me regardless.
  18. abyss

    A Return to Kits

    Yea I used to steep those little 15g teabags in hot water and to me they were too bitter and at the time I thought the head was not so good. After the very first time I dry hopped with one of those tea bags I was amazed how much nicer my beers were. Soon after I started buying different...
  19. abyss

    A Return to Kits

    I normally have my hops in sanitised bags or stockings etc and open the fv and drop them in. With flowers I put a handful of marbles in the bag so that it eventually sinks. I mainly dry hop because you can get heaps more flavour and aroma with a nice but not overpowering bitterness at the back...