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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Rod

    Is there any significant in using liquid malt extract and dry malt ext

    That was my impression Just thought it would be good to check thanks I had thought there might be more trub with dry malt , but maybe not
  2. Rod

    Is there any significant in using liquid malt extract and dry malt ext

    In some extract brews the recipes can call for say 1.5 kg liquid light malt extract and say 1 kg dry light malt extract to add to get the right OG I buy my light malt extract by the 20kg bag to save costs it can be an annoyance to have to buy some liquid extract when I can use an equivalent...
  3. Rod

    Bulk prime for ginger beer

    160g per 25 litres
  4. Rod

    Bottle lids not sealing properly.

    If you use a hammer sealer use a pair of leather gloves to hold the bottles I have a friend who used a hammer sealer , the bottle broke and his hand went down onto the jagged bottle this is not an urban myth , it did happen hammer sealers should be banned
  5. Rod

    Capping empty bottles for storage?

    Next time you are at your LHBS see if they have the plastic sleeves that people put over corked bottles , reusable and kiss should be around even though srew caps have taken the market over most home wineos wold still use corks , not having the gear
  6. Rod

    Have I made bottle bombs?

    In my opinion 180 g in 23 litres is an absolute max i have done 180g in 25 litres of beer and had a small number of bombs and a few pressure reliefs using grolsh bottles no more than 160 g
  7. Rod

    How long do you bottle condition?

    I do a minimum of 6 weeks before trying then play it by ear usually ends up 12 weeks
  8. Rod

    Bottling Ginger beer

    Most soft drinks have some alcohol in them because the flavours are made up of essences with an alcohol base mind you a very small base I believe brewed ginger beer soft drink has some alcohol
  9. Rod

    Where to buy foil bags and vacuum sealer for hops?

    Don't know your location , but Cooperage home brew in Smithfield NSW $15 for 2 rolls
  10. Rod

    Lemon tree leaves

    I have made lemon myrtle beer by putting one leaf in a 500ml bottle of coopers lager , and coopers pale ale in an attempt to have a corona went well better with light beer ( 2.9% )
  11. Rod

    Vacuum Sealer Thingo

    I got mine from Aldi on special last month takes a few months to come around again bags on available when on special
  12. Rod

    100 green grolsch bottles for sale @ $1 each

    I have 100 green grolsch bottles for sale @ $1 each the majority have good seals as I am still using them ,maybe only a few could be replaced they are all clean and have all labels etc removed Greystanes area , pick up only send me an email and we can arrange pick up i have about 500 and...
  13. Rod

    How clean is a fermenter

    I believe plastic fermenters under a microscope would look like a sponge with lots of little holes the better the plastic , ie food grade the smaller the holes but still there I soak my fermenters in PSR and the stain disappears which indicates a better clean would like a conical stainless...
  14. Rod

    Russian Imperial Stout - Have you brewed one?

    I have brewed a RIS , recipe from this site , K&K by Dan Raynor dan rayners RIS Dan's recipe is below (Best beer of Show 2007?). K+K & steeped grains: 500g cracked roast barley 500g cracked light crystal 1.7kg can Draught 1.7kg can Porter 1.7kg can Stout (no brand names are listed) 1kg brewing...
  15. Rod

    What is your oldest bottle conditioned beer

    I have some Russian Imperial Stout brewed June 2010 8.7% Alcohol like a Liqueur Muscat now need to try one this year
  16. Rod

    setting up brew fridge

    I have used a fridgemate for more than 10 years never a problem the unit you show looks very similar an advantage is that it comes assembled while I had to put the fridgemat together
  17. Rod

    Tea Ball Infuser for dry hopping

    I bulk prime and assume the hop flavour will mix with the bag floating the hops should dissolve in the brew and fall , maybe more hop flavour will occur
  18. Rod

    Tea Ball Infuser for dry hopping

    why worry about making the hop bag sink
  19. Rod

    Growing Ginger

    my galangal grows like a weed cut it back very year to keep it in control and young is best saw you were in Fairfield and thought I would drop some off , then saw you are in Vic not NSW
  20. Rod

    Tea Ball Infuser for dry hopping

    I use bags made from Swiss Voile or muslin make them a reasonable size to allow for the hops to expand they float and I add at racking and when I want to dry hop they can be cleaned and sanitized with PSR