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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Diesel80

    AG brew not fermenting

    Went out to check my delinquent batch last night. Open fridge looked at the best bitters under Nottingham. Absolutely cranking. Hazy with a **** tonne of yeast and mass Krausen. Next to it, the problem child. Nudda after 70 hours with BRY-97. Bah! So inside I went, watched some TV, warmed up a...
  2. Diesel80

    Latest school shooting in the USA

    294! Holy crap. I knew it was bad but that is mental. Just waiting now for the spin tsunami.
  3. Diesel80

    Latest school shooting in the USA

    Over here we would just call them a C*nt. What a dick move. No right to go shooting random people, not proving a point other than how useless you are as a human being. Sucks that he is dead, easy way out and doesn't have to face the real music. RIP to the victims, condolences to the families. D80
  4. Diesel80

    Saving an off flavour beer ....FYI

    Thanks Manticle, I will pitch a small starter in there. Cheers, D80
  5. Diesel80

    Saving an off flavour beer ....FYI

    I am about to try and fix up a diacetyl mess in a keg. Was a 1.057 wort that got a massive under pitch of English ale yeast. Yes plenty of esters, no diacetyl in the samples so kegged away. 2 weeks at serving pressure and 1st pint sitting next to me. Massive disappointment! So now to warm it...
  6. Diesel80

    Maris Otter in dark beers? Stouts, Porters etc.

    my best all grain was 50/50 maris / GP for the base. Oh how i wish i wrote down what else was in there..... Still kicking myself. But for a base malt mix that is pretty awesome in the UK style beers i make / try to make. Cheers, D80
  7. Diesel80

    Nick's Brewhouse

    Nik, easy way to start is to bottle the cake. you can get a series of small water bottles, and mix the trub up in the fermenter with the yeast to create a slurry and fill the sanitized bottles straight from the tap. Not awesome practice as the cell counts will vary between bottles but will work...
  8. Diesel80

    AG brew not fermenting

    I did a double batch of English Best Bitters But since I like variety, I only added EKG as bittering addition to the kettle. Then, I no chilled in 2x cubes a batch each. Filling the cubes hot allows you to add more hops in the cubes for additional bittering and flavor. So into one I added...
  9. Diesel80

    AG brew not fermenting

    Lol my BRY97 Still not krausened. 60 hours and counting. Will give it one more day... Then in goes notts army.
  10. Diesel80

    BF-163 Kegerator - Setting temp range?

    Hi, does anyone know if you can control when one of these fridges turns back on after reaching the temp set on the dial (or the fridges interpretation of the number on the screen!). I am not worried too much about the exact accuracy of these fridges. But say I have set mine to run down to 4...
  11. Diesel80

    AG brew not fermenting

    Question, how come you rehydrated yeast so far in advance? I think they can struggle if rehydrated in water for more the 20 mins. Might knock them about a little, slowing take up time. Should still be ok though. Hell my last effort with Nottingham a month ago took 72 hours to show Krausen...
  12. Diesel80

    BIAB newbie

    Wayne, as contrarian says, it can be hairy as you get to the boil. Main issues are the foam of proteins that raise to the top when in the 90's, goes particularly ape in the last couple or degrees then starts climbing until the boil is steady, then it settles down. Might rare up again when first...
  13. Diesel80

    BIAB newbie

    To impart color, a small amount of darker grain could be considered. (Choc, Black, Roasted Barley, Carafa etc) Depends how sweet you want this beer. It will have some hop hit at 48IBUs so you would want some sweetness for that. But it might be a 'heavy' beer with all that crystal. I would be...
  14. Diesel80

    BIAB newbie

    If you don't boil it too hard. Aim to boil off about 6L an hour in that batch size. That is 10% and smack bang in the middle of the 5-15% / hr rate I see mentioned. There must be some science to it, so I am sitting in the middle on the fence and it is working well for me so far. Cheers, D80
  15. Diesel80

    BIAB newbie

    I BIAB and do double batches in what I make out to be a 74L pot though advertised as an 80L. (Calcs say otherwise) I do 46L into cubes, 6L of trub is left over in the kettle (dropped out by Whirlfloc and pooled up by whirlpooling). This is allowed for as losses to trub. Start of boil I have...
  16. Diesel80

    Ebay Grain Kit?

    How did you go with this? I can't advise re: mashing as I am BIAB (full vol mash). Hope it worked out for you, at the very least hope you get beer for your troubles :) Cheers, D80
  17. Diesel80

    Temperature stuff up

    Ross, I normally pitch my cubes into fermenter at about 25-28 and set fridge to drop them. Helps the yeast get cracking early, and by the time they are ready to start making beer proper (after multiplication phase) wort has been down at 18 for a while. if it was only 24 this morning, that would...
  18. Diesel80

    Comment by 'Diesel80' in media 'IMG 3594'

    That is tits mate. Nice work.
  19. Diesel80

    What are you brewing 2015?

    Rehydrating some yeast for this: House Bitters Special/Best/Premium Bitter Recipe Specs ---------------- Batch Size (L): 46.0 Total Grain (kg): 8.400 Total Hops (g): 110.00 Original Gravity (OG): 1.043 (°P): 10.7 Final Gravity (FG): 1.011 (°P): 2.8 Alcohol...
  20. Diesel80

    AFL Finals Footy

    No sure about ditching the coach, wasn't the game plan the cost the game. Was the fact most of the team couldn't remain focused for more than 15 mins a quarter. Claw back a goal or two, then go to water and give the hawks 2 or 3 on the trott. Happened all night. 9 points down in the last with a...