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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Diesel80

    help! oh man not enough yeast on hand, unless...

    Bah, 1 pack of US05 does 23L easy. 2 will do 50 no problems. Underpitch, maybe. But I use 1 pack dry in all beers. Hell even nottinghams pitch rate is 2 packs per 23L. If I did pitch 2 packs I reckon the fridge door would blow off! It will do it easy with 2, 3 would be safe as houses. Cheers, D80
  2. Diesel80

    Good Anti Adware software?

    Edge? Cheers, D80
  3. Diesel80

    Carbonation level of English (Cask) Ale?

    The bottled ones are normally about 50% more carbonated than the cask equiv. This is not a scientific measure mind. Also if you smash a beer through a sparkler the CO2 will come out of the body of the beer to form the head and will be much flatter than a normal pour / pull / draw. What ales...
  4. Diesel80

    Nick's Brewhouse

    FYI, Beer in a keg conditions much faster than in a bottle. If you can keep you hands off the tap that is. 7 days in keg, cold @ serving pressure will carbonate the beer as well as perform a cold crash to settle out floaties etc. It will therefore clear your beer and carbonate it. That is a win...
  5. Diesel80

    Nick's Brewhouse

    Or keep them for a party keg setup! Cheers, D80
  6. Diesel80

    Nick's Brewhouse

    Get bigger bottles mate, 18L stainless ones. :super: Cheers, D80
  7. Diesel80

    One beer Migraine / hangover wtf?

    It will pass as soon as the Mrs is allowed a drink again, that is literally the only thing that has changed. Google up on The phenomenon where men suffer sympathy symptoms: Couvade Syndrome. The only other plausible explanation is Voodoo. Mrs stocked up the sewing kit lately? Disclaimer: I am...
  8. Diesel80

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace "This pot has been used only a couple of times and we had 20 craps on one occation cooked all at once. The pot size; 365 high and 420 wide made from 3mm aluminium with a 5mm bass and stainless...
  9. Diesel80

    100L split batches

    I brew this way often. Generic / neutral bittering addition at 60 for say 15 ibu. then 10 to 15 ibu in cube of hops. last time round was EKG @ 60 then fuggles / cascade in the cubes. UK ans US yeast respectively and 2x different beers! Cheers D80
  10. Diesel80

    Pitched too hot - ruined or salvageable?

    40 deg wont kill them. If it cooled to 20 in < 3/4 hours then beer will be fine. Ride it out! Cheers, D80
  11. Diesel80

    no chill - didn't have enough wort to fill cube - how much of a pr

    Dan, the cube shrinks overnight. If you have the seal right on the lid (dont over tighten when hot) then you will know when you have packaged one right. You can keep them for a fair while. I normally pitch next day in case i bugger the seal up, but a good one I would keep no worries. If it...
  12. Diesel80

    keg fridge alarm going off

    They have an alarm? What fridge model is it? BF-163? Cheers, D80
  13. Diesel80

    Massive Kettle losses :( Need advice

    Niz, I use whirfloc in kettle. in a 60L boil with 54L in kettle at end i use 2x tablets and put them in at 10 to go. I whirlpool hot and the stuff works! Biggest beer was 1.060. I start a whirlpool, lid on and walk away. Come back and it looks awesome and then i no chill into the cubes. I...
  14. Diesel80

    Which urn?

    O/T My BIAB way more simples than your BIAB! The complexity is strong with this one (looks awesome btw). re the boil: have you thought about insulating your Urn? That will help heaps, though difficult giving all the bits hanging off the side of your urn. There were some good examples on here on...
  15. Diesel80

    Pitched too hot - ruined or salvageable?

    I often pitch at about 25-30 for ale yeast and have the fridge bring it down. So long as you get it down within the first 4 to 8 hours you will probably know no difference. I can't get away with 40 degs as I have 2x fermenters in the fridge when i do it. Drops reliably at 3/deg/hr with. Edit...
  16. Diesel80

    no chill - didn't have enough wort to fill cube - how much of a pr

    Mozz Kookaburra branded water cubes in 20l variety from BCF are awesome. After their first no chill they handle 23l. 21 on the maiden run.
  17. Diesel80

    Rugby World Cup

    I thought none of the Wallabies squad was good enough to play for England? From what I saw, I think that should have read none of them are mad enough to play for England. Very consistent and applied performance by Australia, didn't need any real flare to roll the old foe. Just kept the heat on...
  18. Diesel80

    Pride of Ringwood

    Brew the coopers all grain knockoff recipe off these forums (may have to search a while to find it - don't have it to hand). The POR and combined with coopers yeast @ 17 degrees (3 stubbies dregs in a 1L starter) and it is magnificent. Tell me there is nothing positive about it after that...
  19. Diesel80

    Maris Otter in dark beers? Stouts, Porters etc.

    Target or Northdown both work well in bittering only beers.
  20. Diesel80

    Latest school shooting in the USA

    Bloody misogynists! Cheers D80