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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. boingk

    Longneck Bottles 4 Sale! [rolltop + Some Screws]

    Just checked the shed. About four dozen longnecks total, and a few cases of stubbies should you want them as well. Stubbies aren't in the best condition but were cleaned properly before being put in the shed. Cheers - boingk
  2. boingk

    Just Got Back Paid( Not Sure What To Spend It On)

    Ditto on the saving until you know what needs buying / you want to buy. - boingk
  3. boingk

    Longneck Bottles 4 Sale! [rolltop + Some Screws]

    Hi guys, long time no post. Up for sale theres a bunch of longneck bottles - mostly rolltops but some are newer screwtops. All 750ml with no chips cracks etc, and except for the odd one or two (literally only one or two) they're all clean inside. So... 3 dozen longneck bottles for sale (may be...
  4. boingk

    Coopers Yeast Cake

    Easy drinkers? Stock recipe as follows: (Homebrew tin) 1.7kg 500g LDME 300g white sugar (yeast) 20g (hops) @ 15min 10g (hops) dry for 3 days before bottling Doctor the stuff in brackets so you get the desired effect. Add up to 250g of specialty grain to give a bit more profile if you want/can...
  5. boingk

    Successful Attempts At Coles Or Homebrand Kits, Recipes...

    I use almost nothing else apart from Homebrand tins nowdays. I still use proper yeast and malt from the LHBS, but the tins are fine by me. And for $8 each the price is right. Typical recipe goes like this: Homebrand tin 1.7kg 500g LDME 300g white sugar 20g (hop) @ 15min 10g (hop) dry for 3 days...
  6. boingk

    Stalled Fermentation

    Haven't had a fermentation problem in ages, stopped using a hydrometer probably 40+ brews ago and I'm fine too. Gotta agree with colonel on this one - you can get away without using one. On the maltodextrin in the brew, 500g is a hellava lot. Its only 30% fermentable so the rest just hangs...
  7. boingk

    Nsw July Case Swap 2010

    Ah, crud. I've been swamped with off the wall demands (snow trip, planning an around Australia motorcycle trip, work being short-staffed, etc) and totally forgot about this. If I pull out now will there be anyone to take my place? - boingk
  8. boingk

    Cooper Lager Kit + Cooper Stout Kit

    Another good recipe I've done (aged up from October) was a Coopers Stout kit and a Tooheys Dark Ale kit. Used a few coopers yeasts if I remember rightly. Goes down well with everyone who tries it, all I wish I'd done was do a 15 minute boil with 500ml water, 50g (big tablespoonfull) of one...
  9. boingk

    Dehydrated Beer

    Sounds like you guys know the score! Gotta admit I'm very fond of the Wild Brumby Distillery, its on the road from Jyndabyne to Thredbo and open most days for lunch, coffee, spirit tasting...whatever. Its a good place to stop and they do a mean schnitzel burger... Anyway, their schnapps is...
  10. boingk

    My New Yeast Experiment

    Yes. Kits generally have a 2 year 'best before' period, from the date they were canned. I find that the best cans are 3 months old or less, and I try not to pick anything up thats over 6 months old. Not sure what you're referring to here - US-05 is known to amplify any bitterness or hopping...
  11. boingk

    Dehydrated Beer

    I say those 'back country hikers' need to harden the f*** up. Seriously, I hike around Koz every year over 2 nights - something like 40km around plus a few kilometers of elevation - and I still manage to take a sixpack of real beer, plus a tent, Trangia, good food etc. I don't catch the...
  12. boingk

    Is Your Brewery Insured...?

    You'd sacrifice your motobike? Oooo...tought call man. Tough indeed. - boingk
  13. boingk

    Is Your Brewery Insured...?

    Even worse. "Dude, that thing is the ULTIMATE meth lab!" "F*** yeah, we've hit the jackpot!" All you have to do is look legitimate. Like that bloke on ACA who was stealing cars in a business suit - people actually offered to help! Definitely find out what a commercial unit would cost to...
  14. boingk

    What Will You Be Drinking For The World Cup?

    I've watched it on occasion and didn't mind it. Mind you, that was a few years ago in a rowdy dorm of university students - most anything could be made exciting hahaha. It'll be interesting to see how we go in the first round against Germany, though, what with their status as a pretty decent...
  15. boingk

    Insanely High Abv% Beer (41% Abv Wtf?)

    Yeah thats what I was thinking, too, MB :D On the Bismark, $250 a stubby is way out of my league. Even if I had the money I'd still get something else. - boingk
  16. boingk

    Suggestions For Tomorrow (sat 15th)

    Take out the maltodextrin and you're laughing. I never use it unless I'm doing a kit-style midstrength for summer (kit + 250g LDME + 250g maltodex + hops). Other than that, it looks great. I think I've actually done this one in the past and it worked quite well. Can only imagine that this one...
  17. boingk

    "dry Hopping" Coopers Pale

    Yeah, it'll be insane. I've found that kit-wise, dry-hopping at 20g/22L is usually noticable enough and anthing over 30g/22L can be quite powerful. This is especially true of those higher alpha acid hops such as PoR. In the past I have found PoR dry-hopping to be unpleasant, although I don't...
  18. boingk

    Coopers Real Ale

    Yeah thats the one. Thanks for that! It may be as simple as them having a high turn-over of it, so its always fresh when it gets to you. I can't imagine a Coopers malt pack sitting in a hot truck then a hot warehouse then a supermarket for weeks (months?) would be better than fresh...
  19. boingk

    What Are You Brewing III

    Good call on the 3% Chocolate, Raven. I've found that to be a good amount of it without being either underwhelming or overpowering, although I've only done that in a BIAB Robust Porter and a few other similar brews along the way - never an American Brown! Definitely looks like one that'd be good...
  20. boingk

    Dry Hopping Adds Bitterness?

    I think the general consensus at one time was that it may enhance perceived bitterness, but not actually add many (or any) IBU's. It possibly does so by reducing the perceived maltiness of the beer, and thus concentrating your senses on the hop flavour and bitterness. Crude analogy, but I think...