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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. pat_00

    Just chilli recipes

    Fatalis are my favourite chillies. Made a sauce very similar to wolfman's above. Simple and raw. After a month of ageing it was amazing. Can't wait for my next batch.
  2. pat_00

    AG advice & stainless fermenter

    I recently bought a brew bucket, I have only fermented full wort kits in there. Both from Grain and Grape, and they have both been great. These are made the same way I believe, no-chilled.
  3. pat_00

    Soy sauce this is a good thread, I'm gonna try it next summer
  4. pat_00

    An internal-keg filtering system

    this looks like a great idea.
  5. pat_00

    good bar/ beer near southern cross station melb ?

    Is that a joke? I haven't been there in 15 years. It could have done a big U-turn.
  6. pat_00

    Butchers really get my goat

    You mean you don't discuss modern geo-politics with your butcher? My reasoning is, when I buy pork at the supermarket it's 50/50 chance that it is male pig. And male pig can be really stinky to a lot of people, myself included. I have bought pork that I just could not eat as it stank so much it...
  7. pat_00

    Butchers really get my goat

    The opening hours ***** me too, as I will only buy pork if I get it from a butcher who knows their stuff.
  8. pat_00

    I wonder who?

    You guys are so negative. Dwelling on the past and all. It's like ancient history. Can't you just live and let live?
  9. pat_00

    Help with ongoing high finishing gravity

    In a beer that strong it's borderline to be pitching 2 packs. Are you aerating the wort? what about yeast nutrient?
  10. pat_00

    Media coverage: protest re: proposed remote community closures

    That description of Pyne's voice is about as close to synesthesia as I will ever get.
  11. pat_00

    What's the best famous homebrew/clone/recipe you've ever brewe

    So far, the BYO Arrogant Bastard Clone. To be honest though, I've only tried the original once and it was waaay past it's prime. I have the BYO clone of Dogfish Head 90min IPA carbing up now...
  12. pat_00

    [VIC] FS : 3v Electric Brewery

    Damn I probably would have nabbed this. I remember drooling over it when I picked up some kegs from the bulk buy a couple of years ago.
  13. pat_00

    Sukumaran and Chan

    Just in case the can of worms wasn't big enough.
  14. pat_00

    Sukumaran and Chan

    You are talking about the nanny in saudi? That was done within some strange islamic pseudo-legal framework. Not saying it's right, or that they are not hypocrites. Just that there are differences in the relations between those two muslim nations than there are between Indonesia and non muslim...
  15. pat_00

    Homebrew twang

    I think it's an age thing. Some of those cans have been sitting around a while. I didn't always get the twang with the goo tins, but it happened a lot.
  16. pat_00

    Homebrew twang

    I think the tins can definitely impart a twang. When I changed to using DME and doing extract brewing, it went away.
  17. pat_00

    Blichmann RIMS Rocket and BoilCoil

    Yeah I saw that. Looks like I have to get a 15a socket anyway, as my HLT is 3600w. How are the ramp times? i'd imagine with 3000w they'd be pretty good.
  18. pat_00

    Beer on tap when camping

    Yeah, I just found andale's site after posting that. Just shy of $400 for a two circuit one :(
  19. pat_00

    Blichmann RIMS Rocket and BoilCoil

    This RIMS rocket just came to my attention. I was thinking of getting a hop rocket and a herm-it for my setup, but this looks like a great all-in-one solution. Has anybody on here used one?
  20. pat_00

    Is coopers halal?

    Chemtrails got you down? I have some lovely orgonite I could sell you for an unreasonable sum......