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  1. pat_00

    Topsflo TD-5

    I was under the impression the KKmkII were the same as the Green Kaixin pumps? Will look into it.
  2. pat_00

    Topsflo TD-5

    I also need a new pump as my kaixin just doesn't have the flow I need to whirlpool a 130l kettle. I find the pump specs a bit confusing, are these much more powerful than the Kaixin/mkII pumps that are floating around? DC would be a good way to sidestep the 50hz/60hz thing that means US pumps...
  3. pat_00

    Wanted to buy: Copper chiller, stir plate, 2 litre erlenmeyer flask

    I have a copper immersion cooler I could sell you. I think it's a 14M long from memory, but it fits in a fairly small pot. I'll get some pics tonight.
  4. pat_00

    any other type 1 diabetic brewers?

    I've used the freestyle libre CGM and it is really convenient compared to pricking yourself. I do have private health, might look in to getting a pump.
  5. pat_00

    any other type 1 diabetic brewers?

    Nobody has mentioned type 2 diabetes. Even so, blaming people for having it is pretty ignorant. Yes poor lifestyle choices can bring on type 2, but some people just have it. One of my friends does and she is a kale eating health freak.
  6. pat_00

    any other type 1 diabetic brewers?

    Yep I'm what my endo confusingly calls a 'mature age juvenile diabetic'. I developed it 5 years ago after my idiot immune system attacked my pancreas by mistake. I changed my lifestyle a bit but i was never into sweet food or drink anyway so it wasn't a huge deal. Beer wise i am making drier...
  7. pat_00

    2017 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    I'd be keen, I have a lot of Mt Hood but my other plants didn't do too well.
  8. pat_00

    Coopers bogged down in bible backlash?

    Yeah, I won't be buying coopers anymore. It was their move to publicly air their political views and they will have to wear the consequences of that. Contrary to what some people have said, I haven't seen any hate being thrown at the Bible Society or Coopers, just people saying they will no...
  9. pat_00

    2017 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hop Garden!

    I gave my partner's dad a rhizome of Mt Hood and this is what he did with it. 1st year of growth too. It made it to the top of the 6 metre pole until the rope broke.
  10. pat_00

    Pauline Hanson to launch craft brew

    Risky move for her, may as well open a smashed avo cafe chain.
  11. pat_00

    Making Passata/Tomato sauce

    I'll be having my first real try at passata this year. Totally economically stupid, but then so is a lot of things I do.
  12. pat_00

    Does dry hopping add bitterness?

    I heavily dry hopped a beer with galaxy and it definitely increased the bitterness. Haven't had this issue with other high AA hops.
  13. pat_00

    Mashmaster Fluted Roll Mill

    I went from a 2 roller Kegking mill to one of these. Love it, the grist is much more consistant.
  14. pat_00

    Chilli! All Things Chillies.

    Bummer. Best my Bunnings has is orange habs.
  15. pat_00

    Chilli! All Things Chillies.

    Seeing as masters is closing, anybody know where I can get some 7pod seedlings?
  16. pat_00

    Tasty Low Alcohol Beers

    Berliner Weiise is hugely popular on this forum, there are many threads. I haven't made one yet but plan to soon.
  17. pat_00

    Boiling kettle - will hops clog up the bazooka tube?

    Bad idea, I had major issues with one of these in a 98l kettle. It would block up bad.
  18. pat_00

    Looking for a 15A Timer for my HLT

    Ah OK. I was trying to reduce the amount of unprofessionally wired 240v stuff :)
  19. pat_00

    Mill motor/drill for Mashmaster grain mill

    I'm using the Ozito spade drill. Works fine, but I am going to change it around to have a coupling though at the moment the drill chuck is directly on the drive shaft.
  20. pat_00

    Looking for a 15A Timer for my HLT

    What the title says basically. I have a 3600w Urn HLT and want to be able to have everything up to temp for early brewing. There are some on ebay but they are just the components, not finished units. Any ideas?