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  1. P

    what has happened?

    Or perhaps your sample had a LOT of yeast/ trub etc (like the first draw from the fermentor tap or the very end when you are getting a lot of particles)?
  2. P

    Gravity issues

    Edit. Double post from phone
  3. P

    Gravity issues

    With all that sugar and after 5 days I would think you might have forgotten to pitch if it is still at OG. If your FV is at 0 degrees warm it up, otherwise re-pitch I reckon
  4. P

    Using Chux as a dry hop bag? First attempt dry hopping

    What Manticle said - you need to make sure fermentation is fully complete (otherwise you risk bottle bombs) - so get a stable gravity reading for 2 or 3 days in a row and then drop your temperature down to around 0C-3C. John Palmer also recommends a few days after F.G. sitting on the yeast to...
  5. P

    19L pot, BIAB, some questions

    Linny is that a false bottom in your pot? Have you found a big advantage with it since you BIAB anyway and at what stage do you really use it, just extra filtering when transferring to FV? Cheers,
  6. P

    First time Off the Reservation (No Kit Recipie!)

    I forgot about Windsor, have used it as well in a dark ale although it was one of my first brews so probably not the best to compare with!
  7. P

    Using Chux as a dry hop bag? First attempt dry hopping

    How long are you planning to ferment? I usually leave brews in primary for at least 13-14 days and everything has dropped. If you are planning a shorter ferment like 9-10 days then you could cold crash for a couple of days as that will speed up the dropping, I believe it will also harden up the...
  8. P

    First time Off the Reservation (No Kit Recipie!)

    I never used s-04, had quite a few people recommend distinctly not to bother and use Danstar Nottingham instead as a good all purpose Ale yeast. Maybe give it a try, it should be the same price or less and you might find it better. For hoppier pale ales Bry 97 has done pretty well. RE...
  9. P

    LCPA clone - Great after one week!

    good luck! Crazy that a place would have that kind of customer service, must be a HBS specialised in brewing XXXX and tooheys new clones! If I worked in the brewing industry and someone came in and ordered a ridiculous amount of hops (which you clearly didn't), I would be high fiving and...
  10. P

    Coopers Kilted Ale IPA recipe: extra dryhopping?

    Yeah you are right, besides not dry-hopping too early (think days 1-3) it is pretty much an open book, and hard to say just based on the 'days' as every fermentation is different. The yeast strain and temperature will have a huge impact on how long it takes and therefore when to dry hop. As...
  11. P

    Stout on the go.

    The batch I brewed with Windsor finished at 1012, on the high side of normal for me. Any reason you re-hydrated the yeast with a spoon of sugar? It seems the normal advice now is to not proof yeast, unless it is old or questionable, in which case you are better off making a starter. I think...
  12. P

    LCPA clone - Great after one week!

    mate that sounds pretty crazy, surely the LHBS a) would want to sell you more hops and b) shouldn't be laughing at any new brewers giving hops a go. This isn't really an outrageous hop bill so if you got what's in the recipe they are the stupid ones. Did you have the right amounts or 10x...
  13. P

    Bry 97

    I've used it a few times and it is very slow to kick-off - sometimes no visible signs for >48 hrs when fermenting at 18C. I have only used fresh sachets rehydrated though, not a bry 97 yeast cake. If you do make an IPA in the >7% ABV range I would do what Droopy suggest and use more yeast...
  14. P

    Low gravity need advice

    What happened with this? Was it just an uneven sample of wort?
  15. P

    doesnt taste right

    If it didn't taste like Bluetongue that would be a huge plus
  16. P

    Where To Buy Hop Rhizomes?

    How did they send them can I ask? Thinking of having a crack and just interested to know how they ship them, what kind of state they arrived in (e.g. in a pot, in an envelope?) I've got no clue - never ordered plants online before and I generally kill herbs pretty quickly when i try. Do they...
  17. P

    Coopers Kilted Ale IPA recipe: extra dryhopping?

    I haven't used s-04 (people recommended Nottingham instead as a much better yeast), which has given good results. A FG of 1010 seems fine. As for when to add the dry hops, it really depends on where the fermentation is at. If you had the temperature at the very low end of the range which I am...
  18. P

    Dry hopped pellets, floating on top

    Nope, prime and bottle (or bottle and prime if you use carb drops) as per usual. This is how I do it, you probably just add a day onto the bottle conditioning/ carbonation time as the yeast will need a bit more time to wake up and get active.
  19. P

    Too much water withy specialty grains?

    If 6L/KG is the cut-off it could be the reason. With 250g of steeping grains, the ratio here is actually 60L / KG grain. Your hop amounts don't seem crazy or anything, but perhaps the bad tea flavour could be coming from some hop grassiness perhaps? I don't no chill but I am sure some others...
  20. P

    Pale Ale - My own recipe: Thoughts?

    I believe the effect if replacing malt with dextrose will be a drier, crisper beer at the same abv. Dry and crisp is probably a good way to describe the opposite of cloying. It might also refer to sweet, sticky mouthfeel. Maybe like washing a sweet malty porter around your mouth?!