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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. P

    First Crack!

    Hey fixa, maybe use the more standard gravity format for readings such as 1040, etc. As it is a bit hard to understand what you are saying. If your OG was 1042 and after 11 days is at 1039, then you have a pretty stuck ferment. A normal beer at that gravity would be finished by now and sitting...
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    Brewbrite Misadventure

    Thread bump as I couldn't find any info on a food product which contains Carageenan: called "Jel-it-in"- The packet states "clear and unflavoured" . I'm wondering if anyone has used it in beer or whether this has too many other chemicals to use... Ingredients list is: Dried Glucose Syrup (from...
  3. P

    First all grain seemed to work.

    After diluting to your final volume if you are 8 points high that is a great first go mate, I am sure I was about 4-8 points low!
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    About to make My first attempt at hopping

    What hops and how much DME? You'll get best hop utilisation from SG of 1030-1050. My suggestions would be to add more hops and also add more later. E.g. if you want 50 IBU then get those 50 by only doing 30 minute & less additions. Go crazy and do 10 minute additions and less only, although for...
  5. P

    hops in kit beers

    Yeah, even if you want to test out hops I think you should be buying 100g packs, pretty soon 8g will not be enough for you. On that thought Yob, why don't you start offering Hop tester packs with say 50g of 4 or 5 different hops for people to experiment with? I reckon that would be a winner...
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    Intro & Alcohol measurement query

    Ciderlover maybe post the recipe and also all of your process for the lager and people can try to determine if it is infected. Knowing the final gravity would help and you could also pour a glass, leave it to go completely flat and check the S.G., I am not sure if it is always the case, but...
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    Ol brown dog coopers recipe of month

    search for Bry-97 on here (or anywhere really) - it is famous for being a very slow starter
  8. P

    Different flavours from the same Hops in different years/ AA%

    Thanks all. Any anecdotal evidence of say, more hop aroma/ more grassy flavours when using a larger amount of lower AA% hops to achieve the same total IBU? I guess my question is a bit like comparing a 50 IBU 10 minute IPA which has more flavour/aroma than a 50 IBU IPA with a traditional 60...
  9. P

    Different flavours from the same Hops in different years/ AA%

    Hey guys, broad question for those who maybe have brewed a house recipe or same style using the same hops over several years. When you adjust a recipe based on the particular AA% for a hop for a new harvest, does the flavour, aroma and bitterness come out the same? As an example, if you have...
  10. P

    Oh my gush - a bulk priming problem

    Hey Prince, have you found a noticeable difference in the amount of bottle trub / material after priming with DME instead of Dex? I want to try it but am not keen on having much more crap in the bottle
  11. P

    Milling grains

    You mentioned blending them, which is quite different from milling. In terms of using non-mills, I know that a few years ago people like NickJD here compared small coffee / spice grinders vs. processors / blenders and the feedback was that small grinders were OK but things like food processors...
  12. P

    Sydney Bulk Grain Buy

    Thanks Matt! Might be a couple of months before they're ready but whatever I make with the hops and malt I'll chuck a couple of bottles aside for you and Jody.
  13. P

    Skip bittering additions with hopstand?

    This might be something for another thread, but does anyone have any examples of hops that they thought added more perceived bitterness when dry-hopped / added for hop stand than others? Sure they all might to a varying degree - but since the focus with hops is usually on IBU I'd be keen to...
  14. P

    Carbonation Issues - Sanitizer killed yeast?

    did you CC the beer for an extended time or anything? As for bottle cleaning - I use iodophor (no rinse) as my sanitiser for pretty much everything and haven't had any issues. I wouldn't want to leave to much excess in and for bottling I always try to get as much out as possible. For other...
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    New Brew, more grain

    Hey pilchard, tbh I like stone & wood but wouldn't call it ultra hoppy at all I think it's pretty low ibus. This looks pretty close to my one I posted although off the top of my head, a bit more malt body and a bit less hops. The amount of dark crystal is probably a bit too high, though this...
  16. P

    Intro & Alcohol measurement query

    You could also check out "how to brew" by john palmer. Very good read and there is an older free version which can be read online if you don't want to buy the book yet. Also, for your next brew just follow warra's simple advice re. Temperature control. I think that would make the single biggest...
  17. P

    Hop pellets- In or Out?

    Mate you'll be fine. Some hops might end up leaving some extra grassy flavours when in contact with the beer for extended periods of time, but I haven't had that happen yet and maybe if you were throwing hundreds of grams of hops into a brew then you might have a tonne of lost beer/ trub but...
  18. P

    Kits & Bits Pale Ale - Citra & Amarillo & recycled yeast w

    Hey guys, just dry-hopped this batch with about 12g Amarillo and 14g of Citra - a little more than originally planned. After 8 days fermenting at 14-15C SG was down to 1016 so it is getting close. It actually tasted pretty awesome out of the tube - definitely bitter but nice and hoppy and no...
  19. Yeast after 8 Days

    Yeast after 8 Days

    This is some Wyeast Kolsch after 2 rinses and 8 days in the fridge, same as pitched into the Citra & Amarillo Pale Ale. Will rinse again and store in a smaller jar
  20. P

    Split yeast tasting notes

    Yeah, thanks for posting. With so many yeasts out there this kind of experiment will help me narrow down choices!