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  1. kahlerisms

    White labs calculating viability from date?

    Ah ****. you just reminded me that I was supposed to put my starter in the fridge to settle out this morning. Oh well :P
  2. kahlerisms

    White labs calculating viability from date?

    I thought krausen was a sign of alcohol production and something you tried to avoid in your starters?
  3. kahlerisms

    How Many Fridges Have You Got?

    In "the brewery" (double garage with bar + couches): 1 fermenting fridge 1 four tap keg fridge 1 stubby fridge Inside the smallest of the four fridges is a half and half fridge/freezer split, yes I'm allowed to have the odd six pack or long neck in there :)
  4. kahlerisms

    freezer to fridge thermostat connection help

    Why not use an external thermostat like the good old STC1000? Requires no modifications to your freezer that way.
  5. kahlerisms

    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Buy thread

    ...That's another thread that starts with no context and assumes the reader knows exactly what you're talking about. I like gadgets! Why do I need to read 42 pages of thread to learn what you're talking about? :( This tradition of contextless threads is what makes AHB intimidating to newbies...
  6. kahlerisms

    Brewing Water..

    Should this be moved to the water forum now we have one?
  7. kahlerisms

    Home brand apple juice cider help

    I've not finished my first cider yet, but mine was a 100% store-juice job with S04 - it's at day 20 and /still going/. Ignore bubbles, trust your grav readings.
  8. kahlerisms

    Garden Hose water - is it so bad?

    I bought a new hose - it will be used for brewing only. It won't be left in the sun or with water in it. I won't use the first few litres. I boil it anyway. I'll also invest in one of those caravan filter thingos in a few weeks.
  9. kahlerisms

    Garden Hose water - is it so bad?

    None of you have convinced me that my hose or hot water system with ruin my beer (or my insides) yet.
  10. kahlerisms

    The Brauduino (Matho’s Controller) Buy thread

    Anyone got a link to what the hell you're all talking about? I might be interested.
  11. kahlerisms

    Cider Yeast?

    Day 18 - 1012. I think this is the slowest fermenting ale yeast I've had in three years of brewing :P
  12. kahlerisms

    Garden Hose water - is it so bad?

    So the water passes through both filters? Fill rate looks good and I don't mind that up front cost if the maintenance is low. Where can I get replacement filters? How often do I need to clean/replace the filters?
  13. kahlerisms

    Off Flavour in last 3 kits

    I've tried to take the hose discussion over here
  14. kahlerisms

    Garden Hose water - is it so bad?

    Rather than hijack Jaypes' thread here, I thought I'd start a new one on the topic of garden hose water. So, continuing on from comments in that thread: I'd be keen on more information on this. At the moment I lug half-fermenter loads from a tap in the laundry back to my kettle, but this...
  15. kahlerisms

    cake stand for mash

    I've got a fairly large cake tray - only problem with mine is the slits between the grill are a bit big and from time to time (Especially if I'm doing staged mashes) the bag gets inbetween the grills and is a bloody pain in the arse when I want to pull the bag out (it also hugely increases the...
  16. kahlerisms

    Brew Fridge Upgrade Recommendations

    Out kitchen fridge is (quite rightly) the least appropriate for my beer related endeavours. I have a full height freezer that I use as a 4 tap keg fridge, a fairly tall bar fridge I use for stubbies, and a half and half (the $50 guy that I started this thread about) as my ferment fridge...
  17. kahlerisms

    WLP300 - infection?

    I get a similar skin if I run my taps into a bucket and... forget about the bucket until I'm next back in the brewery. I don't think it's supposed to be in your fermenter and I've never seen **** like that in my fermenter, only where I've really done the wrong thing.
  18. kahlerisms

    one odd bottle

    Bottle could've not been clean and thus you've got something else going on in their other than just yeast eating priming sugar.
  19. kahlerisms

    F.S. Over the side immersion heater

    Wattage? I'll take it, assuming 2000+ and you're happy to post to Vic. Edit: I'll also be a pedant and point out the quote in your signature should have "too" and not "to" in it and "Tragedy" needn't be capitalised. :P
  20. kahlerisms

    Help with STC 1000 controller wiring help

    Ohhh. Is that what those little loops on the GPOs are. I have used 100% the same parts as you (actually I have a third manually switched GPO for my stir plate) but mine is about 15,000 times messier than yours. Well done, mate!