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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. A

    Excited for toucan stout brew!

    Interesting, a quick look at the website shows grains & liquid yeasts, be real happy if I can buy them locally.
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    Excited for toucan stout brew!

    Yeah organise a get together, be fun to share a few drinks and meet some other brewers from around here. I have a picnip tap and sodastream adaptor for portable keg shenanigans, can stick it in a bin of ice if no room in a fridge :P Got a cube hopped APA, Irish Red, Dark Mild and Aussie Ale on...
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    How many of you eat/taste grain?

    Always give grains i havent used before a chew, and grain that i have had stored for a while gets a quick nibble to make sure it doesnt taste stale. Victory & Special B always get a nibble too, mmmmmm.
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    Depression........Its real

    Good Thread. Never suffered from it myself, but have been there through some dark times with loved ones. Best mate who i lived with for a while in my twenties suffered badly, lead to an attempted suicide at our place which he luckily survived, and was a turning point for him. My wife also went...
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    May is Mild Month

    Same, a nice cool afternoon, perfect for brewing. Manticles dark mild all cubed up, I'll keg my irish red tonight and save some 1084 slurry to pitch in the morning. Looking forward to trying it!
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    G'day from Coffs Harbour

    Welcome, good to have more brewers from the coffs region on here. Check out feel free to ask any q's if you want any advice about all-grain etc.
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    I'm drinking less!

    a 2 litre stein?
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    Eegads! My fermenter smells like White King!

    A couple tablespoons of bicarb soda, a litre or two of boiling water, shake the bejeezus out of it. Leaves my fermenters smell-free, never had a prob with sodium percarb leaving residue though.
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    May is Mild Month

    I've never even tasted a mild before, and this is my first run of beers with 1084, should i run it at 18 or up it to 22 - 24 for more esters?
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    May is Mild Month

    Been meaning to do manticles dark mild for a while, have some 1084 running in a fermenter at the moment, how would it go as a mild yeast?
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    Wyeast 1084 Irish Ale - Love That Yeast

    Just used this for the first time, what a beast! Pitched a 1 litre starter into an irish red on Monday afternoon, set the fridge to 21 degrees, Wednesday morning and its finished @ 1010 and dropped. Want to do something big with the yeast cake, i noticed on the wyeast site they say its good...
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    Lest We Forget

    My Great Uncle lied about his age and was enlisted, eventually fought at Galipoli, was wounded, spent 3 months recovering before being sent back into action in France, died a week later, aged 18. My great grandmother was pregnant with my Grandmother when it happened, and she was named after him...
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    50% Munich 50%MO 100% Cube hopped Zythos APA

    These guys did a 100% Munich zythos apa: And got an onion flavour. But craftbrewer/Bacchus do an all zythos ipa and reckon it has great citrus/pine flavour, I certainly got no onion. Just do it and report back your results!
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    50% Munich 50%MO 100% Cube hopped Zythos APA

    In the wheat I did a light pineapple/citrus came through, my thoughts were it would pair well with a danky/resinous hop like summit or chinook. I may be well off the mark though! I think craftbrewer do an all zythos ipa. If it were me I'd do it all zythos but change the grain bill to something...
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    50% Munich 50%MO 100% Cube hopped Zythos APA

    I've got a pound of zythos, only used it once in an American wheat, and the wheat overpowered it, seemed a fairly subtle hop. I'd be worried 50% Munich would overpower it more. Mine was no chilled with about 30 ibu worth at flameout. I've been planning an apa or ipa with zythos and summit for a...
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    Coffs/Clarence and surrounds Brew Club

    I was just thinking of asking if there was anyone in the Coffs area interested in some kind of brew club, and a quick search brought me here. I live about 20 mins from Bello / 45 from Coffs, at Gleniffer, at the base of the dorrigo national park. Where do i sign up?? I'm an AG BIAB no-chill...
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    JW Pilsener Malt

    I'm in the same boat, the guy at the LHBS (the only one within 200km) would only order in JW Export Pils, as he had done it before for someone else and had NFI on what else he could get. Typical shop full of kits, yeast stored on the shelves etc. When i picked the sack up, the guy behind the...
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    Coopers Pale Ale All Grain Recipe

    I do exactly this, but with Magnum to bitter. I found with my stc set at 18, bananas took over, nowadays i leave it on 14 and the pear shines through. So simple and refreshing. I did a centennial/willamette amber with coopers yeast once, that was a damn tasty drop too.
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    Pick Up Tube - Some Help Needed Please

    You can not use a pickup tube, but depending on the width of your pot you will lose 2-4 liters of wort. I bought a 90 deg ss elbow off eBay for a couple of dollars, mounted the ball valve so this sits 1mm off the bottom of the pot, now I can suck out all but a few hundred mls.
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    Diy Computer-fan Stir-plate Build

    Got my stirplate running, thanks to the advice in this thread. Grabbed an old pc, took its 80mm case fan, which came in a convenient mounting case that is a good size for sitting a flask on. Salvaged the magnet from the HDD, and grabbed an adjustable voltage adapter i had lying around. Just...