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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. glenwal

    Buying Perlick Taps

    Do you have a standard tower? If so, then they should fit. If not, then they might not fit. :P
  2. glenwal

    98l (or Other) Stainless Steel Pot Bulk Buy

    Can they be stacked inside each other for shipping? as that will be a major factor in how much that shipping price drops for larger quantities. If they stack, the price should drop pretty rapidly for additional units.
  3. glenwal

    Heating Alternatives

    This sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
  4. glenwal

    No Topic Thread

    And summer is the 3rd :P
  5. glenwal

    Low Efficiency - Biab :(

    High gravity BIAB needs a sparge. But don't just stop at what you can fit in pre-boil. Keep topping up your pot during the boil with sparge water until about 10mins from the end of the boil. You're going to be topping up at some stage anyway, so might as well do it with suggery goodness...
  6. glenwal

    Puting A Tap On A Crab Cooker

    Is the crab cooker aluminium or stainless? Might be something to consider when selecting your fittings (mixing the two can be bad if i remember correctly, though i may just be drunk in which case ignore me)
  7. glenwal

    Craftbrewer Hoax!

    In case anyone was worried, your personal information (name, phone number and address) have infact been published publicly on a website here
  8. glenwal

    Mash, Sparge & Lauter Today - Boil Tomorrow

    Ah ok - that does actually make more sense that its the conversion of SMM to DMS and not the boiling off of DMS that takes that long.
  9. glenwal

    Mash, Sparge & Lauter Today - Boil Tomorrow

    Going from the article that Stormahead quoted, you end up with 10 times more at the end if you started with 10 times more, so you might want to consider a longer boil.
  10. glenwal

    No Topic Thread

    As long as you believe then you're fine.
  11. glenwal

    Element Choice

    2200W will be fine for boiling a single batch. Is that 1st element one of the keg king elements? If so, there is a big thread about them with alot of unhappy people - you might want to read it and make up your own mind. Also do a search for uexcel elements, qldkev started a thread about them...
  12. glenwal

    Hops Teabag

    just leave it, and stop taking the top of your fermenter.
  13. glenwal

    Another Sanitising Question...

    Thats how it starts, and then they're all gone
  14. glenwal

    Craftbrewer Hoax!

    Recognise the number did you?
  15. glenwal

    Another Sanitising Question...

    Do you have another batch down yet? If so, try to hold off cracking one until you bottle your next batch - that will help get you into a cycle that removes the temptation of cracking one early (since you'll be drinking the previous batch). Of course that depends on how much you drink :party:
  16. glenwal

    Craftbrewer Hoax!

    nope - the content on his site has a free shipping image, and a CSS sheet that references images from
  17. glenwal


    uhhh, pre-boil efficency should be higher not lower. Boil off doesn't effect efficency as the measurement takes both gravity and volume into account. The difference between pre-boil and into fermenter are a result of be any trub losses you have with your system.
  18. glenwal


    76% into the fermenter is pretty good. What sort of pre-boil efficency do you get? around 85% im guessing? I wouldn't bother trying to improve it, your getting consistent results which is the #1 important thing. If you start messing with your process then you'll loose that consistancy.
  19. glenwal

    Another Sanitising Question...

    wait, what - aren't we on AHB. :D I guess theres a first time for everything though.
  20. glenwal

    Another Sanitising Question...

    Why not throw them into some no rinse sanitiser?