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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. beerdrinkingbob

    2012 Hop Plantations

    Pretty sure one of mine is a dwarf variety too :ph34r:
  2. beerdrinkingbob

    Anhc 2012

    Can you bring some tonight I'm knackered...
  3. beerdrinkingbob

    Anhc 2012

    Gala was last night Irish..
  4. beerdrinkingbob

    Ebay Castors 90kg

    wouldn't that mean he would have one wobbley wheel....
  5. beerdrinkingbob

    Recipe For Coopers Yeast

    try andrewqld recipe, i was really happy with it. Don't worry about including BIAB next time, makes no difference to the end result :super:
  6. beerdrinkingbob


    :icon_offtopic: Congrats Goomba, may the brew be strong in the little one...
  7. beerdrinkingbob

    Kick Ass Hopper Design For A Mashmaster Minimill

    I agree with malted, it looks all flour to me..
  8. beerdrinkingbob

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    i use one i got from yob, fits a fermenter fine, I have two types, the talller one i can't get in with the airlock, so glad wrap ;) linky
  9. beerdrinkingbob

    Mash Thickness - Biab

    I run at 4.5 ltrs/kg, place the bag in a bucket to drain and poor 8 ltrs of hot water over it (to get my volumes and extra sugar) and get 70% in the fermenter. That scenario is 9 kg of grain in a 50 ltr keggle, making 31 ltrs of high gravity wort, once diluted 40 ltrs of 1.050 Key to good BIAB...
  10. beerdrinkingbob

    Vicbrew 2012

    Congrats on your win Thirstyone
  11. beerdrinkingbob

    1st Starter, Low Yeast Viability

    It's a yeast equivalent of a fluffer
  12. beerdrinkingbob

    Barleywine - Biab?

    had a bit of a Disaster with mine but that was just the bag. No real drama's after that.... So yes it can be done, I ended up with 15 ltrs of 1.105 and only used about 35ltrs of the volume in my keggle
  13. beerdrinkingbob

    Bulk Buy: 240v Food Grade Magnetic Drive Pump

    Picked mine up, cheers mate, interestingly it has half inch outlets not that it bothers me though..
  14. beerdrinkingbob

    Whats In The Glass

    Hoppawatti An IPA about 6.5%, with trucks load of Citra, Galaxy and Simcoe hops, with a bitterness that feels like you've been fingered.....
  15. beerdrinkingbob

    Perlicks Leaking Gas

    interesting idea :ph34r:
  16. beerdrinkingbob


    relax and have a homebrew applies well here, if there was an issue there is nothing you can do anyway, but looks pretty normal. Good luck Fish
  17. beerdrinkingbob

    Nice Youtube Brewery Video

    7.27 am and i'm already thirsty......
  18. beerdrinkingbob

    Excesive Trub From Biab

    I think they're quoting mash numbers not brew house, I set BS at 68% and it hovers in between 68 to 72%. OP I do doubles, basically 32 ltrs high gravity wort and water it down and get about 5.5 ltrs of trub in a keggle. Cheers BDB
  19. beerdrinkingbob

    Nsw Utilities Costs

    Don't live in NSW Bribie but have few mates that do and switched to DODO. with their 20% off, we did the move in Vic and can't complain. why the big move anyway mate? Hope your heart is still with the maroons :super:
  20. beerdrinkingbob

    20l Stovetop All Grain Aussie Lager

    Becuase your HB store is over priced. shop at the G&G or craftbrewer and order to few beers worth at a time. Once your committed to AG, jump in the car and buy two or bags of grain from CB, then you will see the prices drop significantly!! Good to hear it went well, happy brewing!!