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  1. moonhead

    Soda stream thread

    That seems more elegant than the KegKing one, but it is double the price I suppose... Horses for courses
  2. moonhead

    Ink Bird Controllers

    Finally got my ITC-308 up and running this week. Have to say, super easy and straight forward, would recommend. Compared to how much time and effort it would have taken to get an STC1000 up and running, i'll gladly pay the extra $30 (not even considering how much all the additional parts needed...
  3. moonhead

    ajustable pressure release valve

    Would 15 psi at fermentation temperature even be enough to force carb? Looking at the carbonation chart, you'd want around 14 degrees max to get 2 vols at 15psi...
  4. moonhead

    VICBREW 2016

    I'd be seeing if some of the other low scoring ones were marked down for being overly hoppy and alcoholic for the style! (Looking at Southern English Brown Ale @ 39, to begin with...) Wonder if there was a label mix up?
  5. moonhead

    VICBREW 2016

    Here, here. I was really worried after the horror stories from last year, but I have to say I was pretty damn impressed by how well it went. Props to the organisers for thinking ahead and getting everything all lined up for a smooth weekend. Also cheers to the entrants for the fantastic beers!
  6. moonhead

    VICBREW 2016

    Might want to check the scoresheet for that, I recall there being an IIPA that came back with a very, very low score, because it wasn't actually an IIPA... We were pretty sure it was in the wrong category.
  7. moonhead

    As if I needed another reason to not buy C.U.B. products.

    The roles have become redundant though. The company that had the contract lost it, they have no use to keep those roles within their business.
  8. moonhead

    As if I needed another reason to not buy C.U.B. products.

    I don't think CUB has said anything on the situation, because, well, they're not really involved... Those salary figures appear to have been sourced by Fairfax from job postings.
  9. moonhead

    40mm ball valve or heating element

    Grab some cheap fittings, like 1&1/2" BSP, 40mm, etc, see what fits... from there you can search for accessories.
  10. moonhead

    As if I needed another reason to not buy C.U.B. products.

    Well, think about it from an employer's side of things, you've got 55 odd sparkies on your payroll, who do work at a site you've got the contract for. All of a sudden (well not that suddenly in this case, actually), you lose that contract. If you don't have any other work for them to do, their...
  11. moonhead

    As if I needed another reason to not buy C.U.B. products. 6 months notice of the contract coming to an end, redundancy payouts, and new jobs offered in the range of $70-120k. Really seems to me like they're not that hard done...
  12. moonhead

    As if I needed another reason to not buy C.U.B. products.

    Especially seeing how the union is treating the people who work for the new contractor. I can't see any reason at all to give them my support when they abuse people going about their legal work.
  13. moonhead

    Keggle "stubby holder" Build

    I built a similar "stubby holder" for my keggle That insulation looks better than mine though, where do you get that from?!?
  14. moonhead

    Keg lid pressure relief valve

    I got a keg with the same lid, it's just "different" as far as I can tell. But no, the normal plastic PRV don't fit in, they're completely different. I'll probably just be replacing that lid, instead of the valve, when I get around to it, will be easier (and probably cheaper)
  15. moonhead

    Filtering Carbonated Beer

    Has anyone come across a situation when filtering, where the filter doesn't remain full of liquid, instead getting air introduced and thus foaming? (and oxidising the beer in the process... sigh) Not sure how/where air could be introduced into the system, hooked up from liquid - liquid posts...
  16. moonhead

    Do We Have Double Standards With Craft Beer Brands vs Other Industries

    Seems to be a more personal thing than anything... I've met plenty of beer snobs, who really do think they are being personally offended when someone drinks VB in their vicinity. Myself, I couldn't care less (but I'll just have a water, thanks). Same thing with people wearing "craft" clothes...
  17. moonhead

    Do We Have Double Standards With Craft Beer Brands vs Other Industries

    Comparing Apples and Oranges, not only with the products, but also the consumers. There are many, many people out there that buy nike shoes, just as many people buy VB/XXXX. There are also many people out there that only buy hand crafted vegan friendly shoes, just as there are people who only...
  18. moonhead

    Micromatic Secondary Regulator - Leaking/Not Sealing the Push-Ins?

    Actually found this place sells some. Ordered some here, will see how they go.
  19. moonhead

    Micromatic Secondary Regulator - Leaking/Not Sealing the Push-Ins?

    Yeah, something like that is what I'd want. I've got some brass ones for 8mm disconnects, but haven't been able to find any 3/8" ones. Will give Andale a try, cheers!