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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Malted

    Making a sort of aged beer laced with whiskey/bourbon flavours with ch

    I have tasted a Bourboun Vanilla Imperial Porter, mind blowingly good stuff. Sure go the stillspirits cordial if you want. Goop and cordial would be a good blend.
  2. Malted

    Best fruit delivery system.

    Thought confirmed, cheers. Reckon I'll use a wee baggie next time!
  3. Malted

    Warm apple pie

  4. Malted

    Best fruit delivery system.

    Stick with your original plan. Perhaps put the fruit pulp into a hopsock to reduce the bits in the beer. I am led to believe that a lot of fruit pulp floats in beer rather than sinking to the bottom thus making clarification somewhat tricky. I have added rhubarb (fresh stuff stewed down) to...
  5. Malted

    Duda plate chiller

    Look at the bright side. Trying to keep gunk out of the chiller to stop it clogging does not always work. With 60 plates it won't be as much of a problem for you!
  6. Malted

    Random Poll

    Perhaps some folks are having trouble with the format of the written word? Perhaps if it is summarised and displayed in a different manner...
  7. Malted

    Dog keeps digging up hops

    Instead of cooking him, it would be a better solution if you could teach your dog to cook. "Hey! Quit diggin an git outa that garden and fetch me a sandwich!"
  8. Malted


    I got mine through Nige at BrewAdelaide. I think he had a bit of difficulty sourcing it. He's not local to you.
  9. Malted


    Weyermann do a malted spelt, EBC 6.5. I did an American wheat (West Coast American Ale Yeast (BRY-97) @ 18oC) with lots of freshly picked hops in it. 30% Spelt, 20% malted wheat, 50% base malt. Ended up too bitter and so much going on I couldn't be certain what the spelt contributed.
  10. Malted

    Where Is Malted

    Yeah but he is still a carnt.
  11. Malted

    Braumeister NEXTGEN Build

    Yes quite a few folks have reinforced thin mesh in somewhat of the manner in which you are describing. One way to attach a picture: More reply options. Attach files. Browse etc. Attach this file. Add to post. Voila.
  12. Malted

    Where Is Malted

    He he I didn't see this thread straight away!
  13. Malted

    Where Is Malted

    Been out bush for the last 21 days. Haven't seen you on MD for a while... :ph34r: :D That seems to have gone more sour than an UJSM.
  14. Malted

    Hop cuttings going into winter

    Send Sandy an email and he will add you to the mailing list. That is how I got on it.
  15. Malted

    Warning, flammable liquid. Bad English translations.

    Preeze also, do not heal
  16. Malted

    Hop cuttings going into winter

    LRG and other Tassie rhizome hopefulls: This is the 5th June 2012 email I recieved from Sandy Ross, Hopco: (he does send to mainland Australia - possibly not WA though)
  17. Malted

    An AFD how hard is it?

    Ha this looks like Déjà Brew!
  18. Malted

    Recirculating cooled wort back into the kettle.

    Nope he said what he meant to say. He was having fun playing with the words, or himself... At any rate we're all now cringing because we thought about his wood. His mission is accomplished. I have seen his wood, he has a big deck that I think he erected himself. His missus loves sitting on his...
  19. Malted

    Hop Rocket as a Randal

    I think the hops will be stuffed before the keg runs out but... The longer the time between serves, the longer an amount of beer has the opportunity for the hop oils, lupulin etc to go into solution. The quicker you serve, the less time these things have to enter into the solution. So it is...
  20. Malted

    Hows this for a growler? I want one.

    Sounds like fun. Can anyone join in?