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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. gava

    Specs for SS drums for 3V HERMS?

    Only thing I can recommend is look local first.... They've gone through the head ache of dealing with the wholesellers (or middle men) to get the specs correct, get support in place etc... You may save some $$ but you can waste alot of time. If your not going to go to do this as an ongoing...
  2. gava

    BrewPi - Fermentation control

    This is on my to do list... I've got a few spare Ardunio's but think they're to old. got any pictures of your install? gav
  3. gava

    I want to build this

    I've heard that Outputting from mame can be difficult, But I'm no programmer and haven't looked into it.. was just a passing comment I heard. TheWingman : Yeah we only stock Sanwa joysicks at the moment.. Will look at a stocking more in the coming months.. if you need any parts give me a bell...
  4. gava

    I want to build this

    wouldn't it just be a timer relay? so a timer relay for player 1 and player 2.. whoever wins the relay is ran..
  5. gava

    I want to build this

    great forum that one, we're a sponsor of them.. we also provide a 5% discount for the aussiearcade forum members.. details can be found here Cheers
  6. gava

    I want to build this

    I know a good place to get Arcade parts also :)
  7. gava

    Show us your brewrig

    I can foresee some frustrating wiring going into this control panel, looking good though. gav
  8. gava


    You say your new to this "forum" format.. so let me clear something up. Forum are full of scammers in the past so you can't blame any of us for getting our back up from a person who's just entered the forum and haven't put any input in, no real introduction apart from "fund my beer". I can...
  9. gava

    Turning a keg into a Mash tun

    yes good point... I google that because thats what I had when I took mine apart.. but...everyone has the same as me right? :)
  10. gava

    Turning a keg into a Mash tun

    I got a towel and put it over the ball and then pushed down with a screw driver to degas.. YOU NEED THE TOWEL or else you might beer your roof.. then google "Sankey keg dip tube removal"
  11. gava

    My Heat Controller

    Hi Paul, Yup little bub Elliott came early Wednesday morning and we're working out everyones routine since.. For a brew kettle it depends.. What's the size of your pot and what element are you running? I ask this because if your running a large element in a small/mid size pot your control...
  12. gava

    Better then Feral Hop Hog?

    I don't understand... its the same brewery? Just get a sixer of both? :chug:
  13. gava

    Show us your brewrig

    looking sweet, almost a steampunk brewery :)
  14. gava

    My Heat Controller

    I referenced it throughout my design but added a few extra switches and changed some internal electronics to fit into my budget. I previously had a brewtroller design and it was a lot different to this current control panel, which I assume a BCS design would to. With my brewtroller design I had...
  15. gava

    New Brewery Pots

    That makes more sense.... Yes probably should have explained that I was running the numbers on ours to double check.. Gav
  16. gava

    New Brewery Pots

    Yeah I've seen them, Awesome guys work at that shop :) Brewtrekker : What are you ordering? what is your delivery times? paying duty? I'm very surprised how your ordering from the states and saving so much? Gavin
  17. gava

    Ebay, Gumtree and FB Marketplace

    must be running them out close to buy price... although they don't have the back mounting plate, no a game changer but annoying. -gav
  18. gava

    Starting an Electric Brew control panel for AG brewing

    Have you made a weep hole under your control box just in case of leakage? Gav
  19. gava

    Pigs & Little - our electric brewery

    POWER IN - 20amp rated wire which I sourced from bunnings (I know i was surprised to, ask a sparky for size etc sadly can't remember the size but was solid core) INTERNALS ELEMENTS - Stripped 20amp wires for wiring to the elements INTERNALS 10amp - Stripped some server IEC cables I got from work...