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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Acidity In Beer

    could be will let it sit in keg for a few more weeks cheers brian
  2. B

    Acidity In Beer

    i recently put a csottish heavey ale in a comp and the main comments were astringent and oxidised although i do take care not to splash is astringency the same as acidity?
  3. B

    Acidity In Beer

    15c for lagers and 20c for ales
  4. B

    Acidity In Beer

    i use saf yeasts and they are all fermented in the fridge a a constant temp
  5. B

    Acidity In Beer

    from perth all the kits i have used have been muntons or beermakers with converter kits from brew shops and brewed to instructions i dont think it is a cheap and nasty homeberw twang as my mate uses these kits all the time and his taste great. could it be the sanitizer, used pink neo in the...
  6. B

    Acidity In Beer

    i wonder if any one can help i have been brewing for about 8 months now from kits and found nearly all the beers have quite an acidic taste to them, i was wondering if this could be the tap water. have tested ph and was between 7.2 & 7.8 is this to high
  7. B

    Iodophor How Much To Mix

    thanks also found an article on
  8. B

    Iodophor How Much To Mix

    thanks i will give it a try
  9. B

    Iodophor How Much To Mix

    could any one tell me how much iodophor you add to how much water to use as a no rinse steriliser