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  1. AzfromOz

    Bohemian Lager Yeast (Mangrove Jack's M84)

    Even with no activity in the airlock? Been a while since I checked as I'm offsite, but the airlock went from happy activity to nothing last time I checked. Will check the yeast cake when I get back for reference purposes. Cheers
  2. AzfromOz

    Bohemian Lager Yeast (Mangrove Jack's M84)

    It's a 21l batch. Maybe one hour after was a stretch but definitely within two hours. How does one go about rousting yeast? Temperature will remain constant due to the keg king regulator and my grandma's fridge.
  3. AzfromOz

    Bohemian Lager Yeast (Mangrove Jack's M84)

    Now to selfishly put the focus back on me, I realise I just did something stupid. I turned the temperature control down to 15 in one hit, rather than stepping it down, meaning the temperature crashed to 15 and all of the yeast, presumably, died. Within an hour, when I first checked, all...
  4. AzfromOz

    Bohemian Lager Yeast (Mangrove Jack's M84)

    Thanks, everyone, for the tips. Have dropped to 15 degrees now as per yeast instructions. Will sit for one week at that temp and then see what the beer is doing. Cheers!
  5. AzfromOz

    Bohemian Lager Yeast (Mangrove Jack's M84)

    Hi, Am brewing a Kolsch from a recipe. The recipe called for specific Wyeast or Whitelabs kolsch yeast strains that aren't available near me, so I decided to go for a German ale type yeast, also without luck. Settled on a Bohemian lager yeast, given that Kolsch beers are similar to lagers...
  6. AzfromOz

    Two questions about a recipe...

    Thanks everyone for your great advice on this thread. Am flying solo this weekend so will see how we go! I intend to relax, not worry, and have a homebrew. Cheers :icon_cheers:
  7. AzfromOz

    Two questions about a recipe...

    Thanks again for the reply! I assume dextrose is fine as a priming sugar and preferable to table sugar? It was going to be the stuff I put in the primer so I assume that's the case. Cheers :icon_cheers:
  8. AzfromOz

    Two questions about a recipe...

    Thanks for the response! Re. point 1 - yes, that actually makes perfect sense. Thanks. Re. point 2 - I assume a priming measuring spoon is just a measuring spoon? My bottles at the moment vary in size from 330 to 375ml (hey, I'm just starting!) so I imagine it gets finicky dealing with...
  9. AzfromOz

    Two questions about a recipe...

    Hi, newbie brewer here with newbie questions.... The recipe I'm going to try (a pale ale from The Complete Joy of Homebrewing) says to add the malt extract and Amarillo hops to 7.5l of water and boil for 60 minutes. First silly question: do I add the hops and extract to cold water and then...