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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. AzfromOz

    Adding water post-boil?

    Howdy, I entered my first comp recently and the beer was judged as having some DMS in it, which as you can imagine impacted the score. I (and some of the judges) put the DMS down to having a problem with the boil - presumably not vigorous enough to eliminate the DMS created during the boil...
  2. AzfromOz

    Infusion mash volume

    Thanks guys for the responses. @Jack of All Beers, I'm actually trying to solve for a reasonable volume of liquor to add, and I then let Beersmith do the temperature calculations. What I was trying to work out is what Wa in your equation should, be and I could work it out by fiddling with...
  3. AzfromOz

    Infusion mash volume

    Howdy, Am doing an India Session Lager with just under 3kg of grain, two infusion mash steps (67 degrees for 60 minutes, 74 for 10) and a batch sparge. Am using Beersmith for volume and heat calculations, and have had to tinker with the mash profiles to get one that matches what I want to do...
  4. AzfromOz

    Whirlpool with immersion chiller

    Thanks, everyone, for the great advice! Cheers
  5. AzfromOz

    Whirlpool with immersion chiller

    Thank you both for your replies. I probably wasn't clear enough in my original message so let me expand... I want to do a whirlpool hop addition after the boil. I have no pumps so the whirlpool will be achieved by vigorous stirring. I then need to chill the wort, for which I will use an...
  6. AzfromOz

    Whirlpool with immersion chiller

    Edit: my "whirlpool" is achieved by vigorous stirring... Cheers
  7. AzfromOz

    Whirlpool with immersion chiller

    Howdy, my recipe calls for whirlpool hopping, but I put my immersion chiller in the kettle to sanitise it in the last 15 minutes of the boil. I imagine it will be next to impossible to get a whirlpool going with an immersion chiller in there. Does anyone just dump their chiller in a bucket of...
  8. AzfromOz

    Time-poor brewer question

    You don't understand - I'm a very important man at work!
  9. AzfromOz

    Time-poor brewer question

    I only have the SS Brewtech mash tun and kettle at the moment, with a run of the mill plastic fermenter.... Having said that, what you said is about what I was going to do by ensuring the fermenter was sanitary and air tight, but the responses here concerned me enough to change my approach -...
  10. AzfromOz

    Time-poor brewer question

    ... and the reason not to go no-chill is this is my first all grain batch on new SS Brewtech equipment. Want to get it right old skool style first!
  11. AzfromOz

    Time-poor brewer question

    I'll be at work, otherwise that's the obvious answer!
  12. AzfromOz

    Time-poor brewer question

    Damn, none of the answers I was after! :P Don't want to go down the no-chill route just yet, so looks like either wait until next weekend and dry-hop for longer than planned while I'm on holiday or suck it up and use dry yeast, which is no big deal, but I did want to use a liquid yeast for...
  13. AzfromOz

    Time-poor brewer question

    Bear with me while I explain... The ingredients I ordered online took far longer than anticipated. I naively thought couriered gear from the homebrew shop would turn up in a few days, not 10! I now have two weeks to brew, ferment, dry hop and bottle my beer before going on holiday. Not...
  14. AzfromOz

    Next meeting?

    Thanks, mate. Have contacted the secretary. Cheers
  15. AzfromOz

    Next meeting?

    Hi, I'm a novice brewer and interested in attending your next meeting. Went to find some information on the club at your website but it appears to be down. Can anyone give me information on when and where the next meeting is? cheers Aaron
  16. AzfromOz

    Steeping recipe calls for mash-only malts. What gives?

    Thanks everyone for the advice. To be clear, I certainly wasn't intending to boil the grains, so my apologies if what I wrote made that unclear. I'll be boiling the liquid left over once the mashing process is complete. So just to be clear - and I will read the info listed in the above post -...
  17. AzfromOz

    Steeping recipe calls for mash-only malts. What gives?

    Hi, I'm looking at a recipe for a Hopfen Weiss from the book, "The Complete Homebrew Beer Book," by George Hummel (2011). The recipe is an extract with specialty grains, and it contains hops that I already have in my freezer, hence the interest. Problem is, the grains it wants steeped are...
  18. AzfromOz

    Bohemian Lager Yeast (Mangrove Jack's M84)

    Happy to report that gravity readings, condensation and, finally, some airlock activity, means I am well down the route of making beer. Taste test from the gravity reading came up with no off flavours that my untrained palate could detect. In fact I drank the entire sample, which is a first...
  19. AzfromOz

    Bohemian Lager Yeast (Mangrove Jack's M84)

    Ok, thanks. No krausen, no airlock, no condensation. Will rouse the yeast tomorrow and see what happen, keeping the fermenter at 15 degrees. cheers!
  20. AzfromOz

    Bohemian Lager Yeast (Mangrove Jack's M84)

    Thanks. How long did you let it sit on the yeast cake before racking? Mine's only at day three now so I intend to leave it for at least another couple of weeks. Long time to wait just to see if you've stuffed your beer! No krausen yet, but possibly the smallest amount of movement in the...