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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. mr_tyreman

    Starting Wyeast

    7 years, 9 months still educating... Thankyou Batz, and apologies for anyone upset by bringing up old threads for educational purposes. Just a quick question, I'm boiling my DME in a 2L Erlenmeyer, crash chilling to room temp and pitching the smack pack straight into it, not decanting into...
  2. mr_tyreman

    Are We A Nation Of Beer Snobs?

    It really gets my goat that you cannt go to a local pub and get a good beer, your options are lager or water, and people only drink draught, because they don't like lager... Oh and have a crownie mate were celebrating, and how the he'll is 4.6% considered full strength? Does the rest of the...
  3. mr_tyreman

    Yeast Starter Too Hot?

    Very interested to find out why u need 8 packets of yeast
  4. mr_tyreman

    Are We A Nation Of Beer Snobs?

    Australian beer drinkers are snobs, all most people drink is commercial lagers and refuse to open up to beer with any form of flavour
  5. mr_tyreman

    Biab Wins System Wars

    are you sure it was the beer snobbery, or the hefty price attached?? hahaha :)
  6. mr_tyreman

    Immersion Wort Chiller

    Bunnings, $99 30m 12.7mm copper pipe wrapped around a corny...perfect :)
  7. mr_tyreman

    How Did Your First Brew Taste?

    Dr Smurtos Golden ale First ever brew All grain recipe poured out in the garden .....Convinced i could do better i stuck to brewing, and couldn't be happier :)
  8. mr_tyreman

    Biab Wins System Wars

    i havent read the thread yet, but im not surprised, i just finished building a monster HERMS system, and the other brewers in geelong do BIAB and get fantastic results, i might just make mine a quadruple BIAB machine going by the beers i have been tasting.
  9. mr_tyreman


    hahaha i had a months pre growth happening, but i quit my job, so job interviews....better be clean shaven! damn!! good luck guys :-(|
  10. mr_tyreman

    Good Old Chips Or Crisps

    Grain waves are awesome Grains dont grow up to be chips son....(me screaming at the tv...)"yeah it supposed to be beer!!" hahaha edit: spellering
  11. mr_tyreman

    Submerging Fermenter Tap In Water?

    Like Zizzle posted, if these guys can do sure you'll be fine bloke :)
  12. mr_tyreman

    Controlling Gas Burners

    I use 3 Mongolians for my HERMS, using 1/2" gas valves and a ballvalve to control flow. I use a BCS-462 to switch the burner solenoids and a pilot jet. I just set the flow with the ball valve and the BCS will switch the burners on and off to ramp to temp, as for the Kettle, i just keep an eye on...
  13. mr_tyreman

    Bcs-462 Help

    OH yeah cool, thankyou mate.... Well its almost manually switched since i have to click a button when the mash tuns full, i may as well click to start the next process
  14. mr_tyreman

    Bcs-462 Help

    Hey guys im pulling my hair out... Im trying to program exit conditions into my BCS but it just wont play the game... Im trying to use 'Win0: Web Input 0' as a push button to stop the march pump when the mash tun is full, but everytime i edit the exit conditions box it wont save! I want it to...
  15. mr_tyreman

    Lawn Mower Repairs?

    good idea, since its a 2 stroke, and has no definitive compression stroke, nor does have valves to contain fluids... just grab ya rattle gun and go for it!
  16. mr_tyreman

    Elderflower In Beer

    doesnt the digestive system convert elderflower into cyanide? if it does, be careful.....hahaha probebly not that bad, i've noticed they chuck it into rekorderlig cider
  17. mr_tyreman

    Brew Stand Building Help

    Also here to help mate, im a bit further away, but the weldings good and the labours cheap :)
  18. mr_tyreman

    Punters Knocking My Taps

    punch them in the face, im sure they will quickly learn :) maybe a nice looking stainless spring mechanism....thats a real pain in the arse, we all know that HB is a precious resource and cant be wasted with such careless disregard for the time and effort required to produce such product. yep...
  19. mr_tyreman

    Strange Additives

    One of the brewers here, had his dog drop a sloppy wet tennis ball in his fermenter....yum!!!
  20. mr_tyreman


    how offended do waiter/waitress' get when you ask if they have any good beer... the local steakhouse gets a cream ale made at the local brew4u and they serve it on tap....makes me very happy :)