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  2. mr_tyreman

    Anyone Using A Bcs-460?

    I use a BCS-462, its freakin awesome :)
  3. mr_tyreman

    The Men Who Made Us Fat

    who am i assisting?
  4. mr_tyreman

    32 Jet Mongolian Burner Yellow Flame?

    you could block a few of the jets and push more gas through fewer jets, i run mine at full pressure but on a 35% duty cycle to maintain full blue flame but periodically.
  5. mr_tyreman

    Refurbishing An Ancient Firestone Keg

    some guy just gave these to you....what a tip top bloke ;
  6. mr_tyreman

    The Men Who Made Us Fat

    I hate eating, i hate buying food, i dont like wasting time 6'3" and 74kg...if i never had to eat again i would be happy...i drink to excess and get minimal exercise except a very labour intensive job...i dont have body issues or eating disorders, i just cant be bothered with...
  7. mr_tyreman

    Soap Taste

    you might find its brought on by leaving the beer on the trub too long and the fatty acids have broken down and created "soap" like flavours how low did you leave the beer in the fermenter? was it on top of a lot of trub?
  8. mr_tyreman

    Worthogs - Pale Ale Mania 2012?

    I dont want to name drop, but i know John Fraser, hahaha congrats on ANOTHER!!! first place on that beer, now i dont feel so bad for scoring it a 48 on our club comp night, it really was a cracking beer!!!
  9. mr_tyreman

    Commercial Font Fit With Km Series 3

    i reco'd a 6 tap T shape font for my place, luckily it had 3 caps that unscrew as access holes for feeding the new beer line, its really not too bad of a job
  10. mr_tyreman

    Worried About My Latest Batch

    was it only the "3/4 full bottle" that you opened? if it was, i think you'll find the carbonation will be lower due to the availability of air space for the built up CO2 to occupy, rather than the beer.
  11. mr_tyreman

    Keggle Lids (for Top Cut Off)?

    heres one i did for Albanian, nice snug fit, i think it doubles as a way to hold the bag in place
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  13. mr_tyreman

    2012 Corio Bay Brewers Competition Results

    John your beer was an absolute cracker!
  14. mr_tyreman

    Infected Beer?

    another one to look out for is sitting on any trub that made it through to the fermenter, after the 4 week mark, this can breakdown the fatty acids and start tasting soapy, im far from a lager brewer, but i would rack off the yeast and lager in a secondary.
  15. mr_tyreman

    Boc Lpg Regulaor - What Kind Of Hose Do You Use?

    sounds about right, i'll take 1 to :)
  16. mr_tyreman

    Boc Lpg Regulaor - What Kind Of Hose Do You Use?

    yeah the retailers seem to try and avoid answering the question, i had the bloke say mate i dont wanna be involved with you blowing yourself up....anyway in a rush i hooked up some rubber EFI fuel line over the top of the thread and a barb in the other end, worked fine....once, havent used it...
  17. mr_tyreman

    Reusing Yeast From Secondary

    Love ya style mate, everything 'they' tell you not to do it...and well heck, it bloody works!
  18. mr_tyreman

    Soaking Raspberries In Vodka?

    i boiled 1/2kg in a saucepan, added to secondary, could barely taste them...but on the plus side, no infection
  19. mr_tyreman

    Show Us Your Brew Cave

    fukn hilarious....cheers