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  1. G

    Odd Things In Bags Of Grains

    Sorry bit late reply but was found in weyermman Munich I Interesting to read what others have found/heard. If and when I move from BIAB and invest in a mill. I'll surely be looking out the corner of my eye for some random rocks when cracking.
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    Root Beer With Stevia

    Dont take this the wrong way but you Might be better posting this question on the American forum mate. I'm sure there is a small amount of people here who might drink/brew it here but it's far more common in north America. There is sections on hbt dedicated to soda's. So they might be able...
  3. G

    Gruit Ale

    Thats a lot of different spice! Are you not worried with that many some will clash? I'm intrigued can't wait to hear the results. Assuming your bottling. How long would you mature something like this?
  4. G

    Odd Things In Bags Of Grains

    Ive always noticed twigs and small sticks in my grain bags and considered this the norm. today i was cracking grain getting ready to mash in and found these bits of gravel. i use a coffee grinder as i biab and although it wouldnt be good for it im sure it wouldnt break the grinder if some of...
  5. G

    Beermasons, Any Good?

    it must be a common problem. i find it strange there web page has nothing on it. so hopefully for your sake they pull through. in case no reply ill just let there money request bounce. if there this useless i dont want them having our hard earnt money. warners at the bay has equall quility...
  6. G

    Infection Photo Thread

    cheers for confirming. yeh i know theres risks with racking. i just needed some fermenter space. so racked to bottling bucket and left till i found time to bottle. next time i guess i should just bottle straight away and stop being lazy . It just cost me a nice dunkel and my bottling bucket.
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    Beermasons, Any Good?

    anyone had any replied emails from this company? i bought a subscription for my old man back in aus for christmas. problem is he wants to keep going with it and its on my credit card. emails have been sent over the past month with no replys. kind of slack in my oppinion. all we want to do is...
  8. G

    Infection Photo Thread

    my guess is aceto. its only in the very early stages. beer is a dunkelweizen and at racking it tasted and smelt like a dunkelweizen. some nice esthers coming from the harvested schneider weizen yeast. racked to secondary 5 days ago. now has a strong paint thinners nose maybe a bit moldy...
  9. G

    Rosemary In Beer

    Nickjd- Geez I dread the day I'm where your at in brewing and making solely lagers. 90% of beer drinkers think that is the only beer. Or as there led to believe by the lager megaswill brewers of the world it needs to be as crisp, flavorless an clear as the water it's made from but then still...
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    Rosemary In Beer

    Yep some good points there I do agree with you beer is better with just malt and hops and more combinations one can brew in a lifetime. But at the same time i also like experimentation. Sure there's always gunna be better beer out there but there's no harm in trying something different. As for...
  11. G

    Rosemary In Beer

    Your opinion and your entitled to it. But all you guys are doing here is stifling curiosity. People have different tastes and some like to experiment with things not so traditional in modern beers. Guessing you both wouldn't brew a wit then either? As adding coriander, chamomile and zest is I...
  12. G

    Rosemary In Beer

    Thanks for the heads up but I was more thinking of sourcing an ale with it. I don't think my 18l BIAB pot could handle any branches in it! As for sourcing branches I'm sure I could try find it over here (Sweden) but just assuming your in aussi I doubt customs would allow it in. Especially...
  13. G

    Rosemary In Beer

    After reading this tonight I decided to try a beer in my locals fridge. Heather ale- fraoch ( heather in Gaelic) 16th centuary recipe malt and heather that's it! Great beer actually more than impressed! Also in the fridge is a pine ale and a kelp ale not so sure about the last one as I hate...
  14. G

    Rosemary In Beer

    Juniper was quite common in Sweden back in the day. And still is in traditional Gotland ales. I believe they use it instead of hops and use whole branches! Will try and get hold of one since I'm here and review. Unsure about elderflower in beer but it goes great in ciders. All the Swedish...
  15. G

    Coopers- What Gives?

    +1. When I'm back home this is my pub beer. Alot of central coast\newcastle pubs have this in there fridges and is Often cheaper then the standard beers on tap too and much much tastier.
  16. G

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    while im at it might aswell post a few others ive had over the week. no photo but had the mikkeller/3 floyds-boogoop on tap very tasty hopped up barley wine. 10.4% so i was feeling it after a few others. bottle is being released in the monopoly bottlo system they have here this week will...
  17. G

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Spent saturday evening in one of the best bars in Gothenburg Sweden with some other beer geek friends. Bar is called 3 sm rum( 3 small rooms) if your ever in this part of the world check it out. The biggest selection (few hundred) of belgians in sweden. and then many other imports and swedish...
  18. G

    Whats In The Glass (commercial)

    Definitely a lovely drop! I had this very similar beer on tap last week and then was seriously disappointed when I went back sat night when it was gone. Luckily they had it in bottle aswell. Like I said very similar Flanders style...
  19. G

    Is It Possible I Have No Yeast In Suspension After Racking?

    Just to confirm for anyone who stumbles upon this in a search one day. 4 days after adding 1ml of hungry yeast from a fresh starter my beer is now full of big bubbles. Hoping inthe coming weeks it will soften out. So to answer my own OP. In this case for some reason my healthy yeast flocced...
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    Is It Possible I Have No Yeast In Suspension After Racking?

    Well why not the same yeast? there was no problem with original ferment. The problem is lack of healthy yeast in the bottle which should now be fixed. I've actually brewed a black ipa with the same yeast harvested and had no problems. I did rouse it a little before racking just to make sure...