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  1. B

    Efficiency according to Brewmate

    Yes, thanks for the input. I have always used the required batch size (into cube) as Batch Size in Recipe Specs, and final volume after cooling as Actual Volume in Kettle. Seems to me that if you use Wort Volume after Boil (- 4%cooling loss) as Batch Size, and Actual Volume in Kettle you get...
  2. B

    Your favourite aroma hops

    Would you call this dry hopping? I assume that you mean ~ 20C when you say that you pour the hot wort onto it. On the other hand, if your wort is hotter than that, is it the equivalent of dropping the hops into the cube when no chilling?
  3. B

    weird results measuring OG with refractometer

    Thanks mate. Haven't been here lately so didn't see your post. Maybe some hope for you in the future, they are doing some wonderful things these days.
  4. B

    efficiency / calibrating my set up

    I'd be looking at how you squeeze the bag. I can end up with less than 1 litre left in 4.5 - 4.8 kg of grain. My worst ever absorption rate was around 0.4, can't explain that but **** happens. Average is 0.35 or less. Ref squeezing the bag, start at the top, you need to get rid of the liquid...
  5. B

    weird results measuring OG with refractometer

    Well, now I know why I have had a problem reading my refractometer. Being right handed I naturally use my right eye. Went to the optometrist today and I'm told that I have a cataract on my right eye that needs urgent attention, and one growing on my left eye, and that I shouldn't be driving...
  6. B

    Efficiency according to Brewmate

    I was going to reply last night but somebody stole the forum. I have been using the cooled cube volume to work out my efficiency. Lately my efficiency has been way down and I couldn't figure out why. My absorption rate has been way up, ~0.05, whereas it used to be ~ 0.3. The boil off rate...
  7. B

    weird results measuring OG with refractometer

    I was under the impression that a refractometer only measured unfermented wort.
  8. B

    Efficiency according to Brewmate

    Can somebody please explain to me how to use the efficiency tool in the Brew Day section of Brewmate? You have to input Actual volume in kettle, Actual OG, and this calculates Actual brewhouse efficiency. What has me puzzled is the definition of Actual volume in kettle. Going by todays brew...
  9. B

    Protecting my cold crash fridge

    Thanks for the tip Micheal. Curry going well but still trying to get the other half to eat more of it. I note that the curry recipe site appears to have taken a dive, Bob
  10. B

    Protecting my cold crash fridge

    Thanks Truman, you have put my mind at rest.
  11. B

    Finding Honey Malt

    Please keep us informed of how you go. I recently tried to replicate a Kona Big Wave Golden Ale, used melanoidin but as you said, it doesn't give that honey taste.
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    Protecting my cold crash fridge

    I used to cold crash in an old chest freezer using a tempmate controller. It decided to retire so I now have a fridge to do the same job. I realize that it takes a fair while to drop the temp of a fermenter from 18C to 2C (which is the temp I cold crash at), and I am concerned that the...
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    Instagram users.

  14. B

    hey ya just wondering who comes here sober i know i do

    I don't think that I could get drunk enough to go to McDonalds! Mostly sober though.
  15. B

    Keg hopping woes

    I dry hop in the keg, mainly because I am worried about infection if dry hopping in the fermenter after vigorous fermentation has died down. I put the hops in a sanitised stocking toe secured with a plastic clip (Ikea type). The hops are in the keg usually for 4-5 weeks before drinking. I...
  16. B

    Headspace in cube

    +1. Just lay the cube on either side for about 5 mins.
  17. B

    How Much Did You Brew 2012?

    FiretrucK, I thought I had a problem!