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  1. D

    Seq Grain Bulk Buy

    Hey Wallace, any update from the big guy??? Ross ... not God.... ;)
  2. D

    Seq Grain Bulk Buy

    yewww awesome.... I am getting slightly desperate for some ale malt....
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    2013 Schedule of Gold Coast Local United Brewers (GoldCLUB)

    ahhh I think I have decided. Old Monster Jamil recipe for American Barley Wine.... will bottle most of it and keg the rest..... yikes....
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    2013 Schedule of Gold Coast Local United Brewers (GoldCLUB)

    heheh I have a feeling a lot of the extreme beers will be undrinkable... Should the winner of this comp be a combo of most extreme + Most drinkable. Perhaps a rating out of 10 for each, then added together... Your recipe would get a 10 out of 20 heheh
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    Using Dex or Cane Sugar to Dry out an IIPA

    Bloody hell. Am I the only one who went cross-eyed just looking at that hop schedule?? Hats off sir!
  6. D

    Seq Grain Bulk Buy

    Yeah, I am good to go whenever! Friday morning after BABBS would kick-ass for pick-up? Actually, I haven't paid yet.... not sure how this whole thing works... I was told something to do with PMs... meh...
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    2013 Schedule of Gold Coast Local United Brewers (GoldCLUB)

    I am thinking barley wine now for extreme... but is that extreme? hmmm probably not, as it is just a big style?!
  8. D

    Seq Grain Bulk Buy

    woohooo !
  9. D

    Fortified Wines

    mmmmm yummy. Thanks for this post mate. Methinks I need to pop down a batch of mead and cider! Cheers,
  10. D

    Seq Grain Bulk Buy

  11. D

    Seq Grain Bulk Buy

    Are we cool?
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    2013 Schedule of Gold Coast Local United Brewers (GoldCLUB)

    now THAT would be interesting!! BIAH (Brew In A Hanky)
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    2013 Schedule of Gold Coast Local United Brewers (GoldCLUB)

    Yeah, I reckon as long as you can say it is extreme in some way shape or form then it can be popped in the comp. I think I might dust off my old school 3V and do a half batch mega strong brett spiked ale. Maybe chuck in some coffee. hmmmm gonna be fun!
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    2013 Schedule of Gold Coast Local United Brewers (GoldCLUB)

    yeahhh I was taught that with my rasberry porter... also that all rasberry porters seem to taste same. . ****.
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    2013 Schedule of Gold Coast Local United Brewers (GoldCLUB)

    Yeah... I think most will go the Hops route... I am thinking of brewing outside the box.. just not sure what way to go? High Alcohol???? Possibly a massive MIXTURE of hops... like a 15 hop hop bill??? or just bring out my framboise for a funky extreme? Damn... I think I am missing...
  16. D

    Chilling vs No Chill

    oh I love my meth lab on the balcony... with my red dexter gloves on, I think at bunnings today I will buy a respirator just to see if someone calls the cops on me as well. Damn that would be a great story!
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    2013 Schedule of Gold Coast Local United Brewers (GoldCLUB)

    yeeewwww!!! Can't wait for the extreme month and the kit and kilo month. Fun schedule designed by a great bunch of blokes! BRING IT ON!
  18. D

    Seq Grain Bulk Buy

  19. D

    2013 Schedule of Gold Coast Local United Brewers (GoldCLUB)

    Greetings Brewers! Our 2013 monthly schedule looks like this; Feb 8th – ‘Taste-Off’ - Bring a beer that was designed to be a particular style, and the club will blind taste test it. Mar 8th – Pale Ale Comp – Bring a beer that has the words ‘Pale Ale’ in the title and we shall all judge. Apr...