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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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    February 8th Meeting of Gold Coast Local United Brewers (GoldCLUB)

    Feb 8th – ‘Taste-Off’ - Bring a beer that was designed to be a particular style, and the club will blind taste test it. The winner will receive an award that states emphatically that they are a bloody legend. Meeting starts at 6pm at the worlds best home brew venue, the stock room at Burleigh...
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    Seq Grain Bulk Buy

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    Seq Grain Bulk Buy

    heheheh get onto Ross... ?? There aint enough home brew in the world!...
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    Funking Up A Cider

    Well, I can say that Nicks Sponto Cider was frigging delicious. I am a fan of the funk, and it was bloody great....
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    First Cider i can replicate the taste

    Anyone else trying this recipe? I put one down 5 days ago and will report back..
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    Gelatin Smell

    heheh yeah, fair call batz... ;)
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    Gelatin Smell

    my gelatin always has a barnyardy, weird porky hoofy smell to it when I add hot water to it... yeah... frigging gross... never, ever noticed any carryover smell however, even in delicate beers.
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    Seq Grain Bulk Buy

    WOOHOOOO! yay teamwork! I thought that this was going to end up as a March bulk buy!
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    FS: COMPLETE ALL-GRAIN BREW KIT (Cheap but effective)

    That's a shame TugunKid, we would have loved another All grain bloke at the GoldCLUB meetings. Check the links for Brew Clubs if you still want to keep a toe in the hobby, we have the coolest club headquarters in Australia ;)
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    Seq Grain Bulk Buy

    Yep.... let's get this ball a'rollin.... By the time I pick up, I will be in need of another! IF ANYONE DIDN"T GET ON THE BULK BUY, PLEASE START ANOTHER , as I will jump on that one for sure... In another thread of course, and check with Dane of course blah blah
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    Mnagrove Jack Classic Blonde Dry Fermenting Temp

    not you bosher of course...
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    Mnagrove Jack Classic Blonde Dry Fermenting Temp

    Yep... definately ignore that guy....
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    Seq Grain Bulk Buy

    Any update Wallace???
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    Seq Grain Bulk Buy

    I realize this is probably a dozen per person purchase... SO put me down for a dozen to Batz... IF ANYONE WANTS TO SPLIT MY DOZEN, PM ME. Cheers... apologies for shouting... I have been drinking.
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    No bubbles yet from brew....

    ahhh Bad Boy Bubby loves to home brew clearly..
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    Seq Grain Bulk Buy

    awesome... bring it on... sooner the better I say.... For both Thai pickup AND bulk buy... heheh
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    No bubbles yet from brew....

    ahhhh I would like to commend everyone who posted a response to this young brewer. No aggression, only a few mentions of kittens and best of all a friendly welcome... Mr Gibbon good luck with the brew, I am sure it will turn out just fine.... huzzahhh!
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    Warm apple pie

    awesome... anything you are trying to imitate, or just a nice sweetish spiced cider? heheh warm apple pie... geddit