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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. newguy

    Funny Videos.... Any Topic

    These are from a show that ran in Canada about 20 years ago called The Kids in the Hall. . .
  2. newguy

    What Style Of Mashing Yields The Highest Efficiency?

    Recirculate. I'm working on my 2nd HERMS system and for a "normal" batch (1.050ish OG), I consistently got >85% with my old HERMS system. I believe that the efficiency of a RIMS is similar.
  3. newguy

    I've Lost My Mind

    After a long hiatus (work imposed), I finally have begun work on my spiffy new brew system again. This is the room prep. The brewery is going into our laundry/freezer/furnace room. I bought a stacking kit for our washer/dryer to free up some floor space. The laundry sink is brand new - I...
  4. newguy

    Things Young Kids Can Cook On The Outdoor Grill

    Chopped potatoes and carrots wrapped in foil with butter and honey. Really simple to prepare and cook. Believe me, they'll devour it.
  5. newguy

    Building New Home

    For brewing indoors: - big sink - floor drain (with sloped floor) - waterproof walls (tile is best but expensive and a pain to install, but galvanised roofing panels are easy to install and very cheap) - extraction fan - gas hookup For brewing outdoors: - hot water via tap or hose - gas hookup...
  6. newguy

    2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

    No just observation of my hops. The three that get morning sun up to mid-day sun and the three that get sun all day go mad. The three that get only mid-day sun to sunset don't do nearly as well. I think that the key is the soil warming up early in the season but I could be wrong - it may be...
  7. newguy

    2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

    Mine have done that but I'm pretty sure that in my case, the ambient temperature (daytime highs of 5-10C with lows at or below freezing) was to blame. Does your POR have a line of sight to the morning sun? My hops with an eastern exposure do noticeably better than the ones with a western view...
  8. newguy

    2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

    No. I just finished harvesting my hops and this was their 3rd year in the ground, and I've never trimmed bines or leaves. Growth has never been an issue for mine. I've heard that trimming the bines back to only 3-5 per plant encourages a higher yield and I'll probably try it next year as I'm...
  9. newguy

    2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

    ...Oh don't worry, it will attack the house roof! :P
  10. newguy

    2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

    Sorry, they've all been hacked down. Always a sad time for me - I love the vines and the shade they provide. Just feels wrong to cut them off but on the bright side I know they'll be back fuller & greener next year.
  11. newguy

    2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

    Not a hop disease so much as a hop support and pine needle catching device. :P Just finished bagging the last of them. Not a bad haul! Hallertauer: 1060g Centennial: 1980g (this is from 2 plants, but one of them only yielded maybe 300g) Cascade: 800g Mt. Hood: 1645g Fuggle: 445g Willamette...
  12. newguy

    2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

    This was year 3. The hops in my back yard do the best, while the hops adjacent to the driveway do only okay, and the two in my front yard don't do very well at all. Up until July we had a huge blue spruce tree in the front yard but we had it removed because it was completely poisoning the soil...
  13. newguy

    2011 Hop Plantations, Show Us Your Hops!

    Harvest now complete up in this part of the northern hemisphere, although I still have a bit left to dry. 7.2 kg dried and vacuum packed in the freezer so far with another ~400-600g still to go once it's dried. Centennial and Mt Hood were my superstars this year with over 1.5 kg obtained from...
  14. newguy

    Oktoberfest Wenches .. Is It Just Me Or Are They From Another Planet ?

    I'm guessing that lady had just put down her baby after it had finished nursing? :P
  15. newguy

    Oktoberfest Wenches .. Is It Just Me Or Are They From Another Planet ?

    Tomorrow will be exactly one year to the day that the wife and I headed to Munich for Oktoberfest. Although my experience there was better than yours, it's not an event I'd go out of my way to attend again. I have no regrets, though - it's just that I hate crowds. And make no mistake...
  16. newguy

    Manufacturers/engineers/lawyers Help Required Please

    If your business revolves around vehicles, there shouldn't be any issues at all. I've seen/heard of many examples of custom vehicle shops that buy an ordinary "abc", basically strip it, rebuild it, and sell it as a "custom abc". This is an extreme example. Once you buy something, it's yours...
  17. newguy

    Russian Imperial Stout Maturing Time

    With my ultra high gravity beers, I always pitch directly onto a 3rd generation yeast cake. This ensures that I don't have problems with the fermentation and the subsequent bottle grenades that produces. I also err on the safe side and use about 1/2 the normal amount of bottling sugar I'd use...
  18. newguy

    Russian Imperial Stout Maturing Time

    I've only brewed 1 RIS, but it was a really high test version. Super roasty, high gravity (over 1.100), high IBU. It took a good year to be "good" but it didn't become truly great until it was 2-3 years old. It's now 4ish years old and is still nectar. :icon_drool2: I bottled the entire...
  19. newguy


    My mom remembers ice houses when she was a child - this was before electricity was common. In winter, ice would be cut from rivers & lakes and stored in huge warehouses. These warehouses were the sources of ice during the summer for primitive refrigerators. The ice would be covered with straw...
  20. newguy

    Eisebock Technique.

    My Eisbock thread. Sorry I didn't reply earlier - didn't see your post before.