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  1. newguy

    Europe In Winter

    I bought a wide angle specifically for the trip, and I was really glad I did. There's no way to capture any decent sense of the scale or grandeur inside some of the places we visited. I actually was wishing I had picked up a fisheye lens, to tell the truth.
  2. newguy

    Europe In Winter

    I like your take on it better than the sad reality, which is no flash photography. ;) Pissing in the Hofgarten in the middle of the night was a thrill, but I don't recommend it. I had to go. Sorry. :)
  3. newguy

    Europe In Winter

    In Munich visit Schloss Nymphenburg. Definitely a must see with the Mrs. Hint: "keine flash" means no flash. Every attendant you see will say it. ;) If you're going to be in Munich while the christmas market is up (Nov 30 - Dec 24), I've heard that it's a must see but I haven't seen it...
  4. newguy

    2012 Hop Plantations

    Completely unnecessary. Every year since I planted mine, there has been a week or so of snow, and daytime highs of -10C *after* they've sprouted. They didn't even change colour let alone die or die back. They're very tough plants.
  5. newguy

    2012 Hop Plantations

    I have centennial (2), sterling, fuggle, hallertauer, mt. hood, golding, willamette, and cascade.
  6. newguy

    2012 Hop Plantations

    I know. I fertilised the lawn this spring and then it started to rain......every damn day. The day I took those pictures was just after it had stopped raining but the lawn was too soggy to mow. :(
  7. newguy

    2012 Hop Plantations

    Are you referring to the 5 digit house number? First 3 are the street number....140th street.
  8. newguy

    Has Anyone Here Had Their Beer Sold Commericaly?

    Of the 3 microbrewery owners I know, all have said that if it wasn't for their wives' jobs, they would have went under. All expected not to turn a profit initially, but all were surprised at how long it took to be profitable. In one case, approx 5 years before he was able to start paying...
  9. newguy

    2012 Hop Plantations

    This year's crop. All are starting to form cones.
  10. newguy

    Has Anyone Here Had Their Beer Sold Commericaly?

    That's an option but there is still a lot of paperwork and licensing hoops that you'd have to jump through. You also need a market/storage for every bottle the contract brewer produces for you - once they bottle it, they're going to want it out of their brewery. Assuming the worst, you'd need...
  11. newguy

    Has Anyone Here Had Their Beer Sold Commericaly?

    I don't think there's a single homebrewer that hasn't thought of going commercial. I know quite a few microbrewers and every one of them started off homebrewing. Although they're all now commercially successful (by "successful" I mean that they can pay their bills and have a little left over...
  12. newguy

    Style Of The Week 21/6/06 - Altbier

    Yes that was me. Another method of sanitising oak chips is to steam them. I've done it a couple times and I know a few others that have as well. No infection issues as long as the chips are relatively thin and you steam them for at least 5 minutes.
  13. newguy

    Does Citra Go With Ekg, Fuggles?

    EKG and Fuggles go well together but I haven't brewed with Citra before. However, I have tasted plenty of beers with Citra. I honestly don't like Citra but I think that it would give fantastic depth of flavour if mixed with EKG and Fuggles. I'd keep it on the low side - perhaps no more than...
  14. newguy

    Home Brewer Irrational Fear Of Autolysis

    More like Wilma actually. ;)
  15. newguy

    Is Starsan No Rinse...

    It's definitely no rinse as long as you drain it. A friend accidentally left some in a keg before racking beer into it (don't know how much - would guess 1-2l) and he complained of an off taste. I've never had issues but I drain all I can. I say "all I can" because it contains a surfactant...
  16. newguy

    Home Brewer Irrational Fear Of Autolysis

    In the very early stages, I pick up autolysis as flintstones vitamins and in later stages as rotten fruit. The really nasty burnt rubber only manifests in extreme cases. While relatively rare, I can remember at least one example from every competition I've judged. The only time I've had it...
  17. newguy

    Sending Beer To The Usa From Aus

    Canadian here, speaking from a homebrew perspective. Prior to 2001 it wasn't difficult to ship beer to the states, but since then it's next to impossible to do it "properly" (i.e. declared as beer). Sterile yeast samples stored in water, cooking vinegars and oils (nice one FB!), etc, sometimes...
  18. newguy

    So I Got Bitten By A Dog Yesterday.

    Well at least the scar won't be that visible. One big drawback will be not being able to shave for about the next 2 weeks. I really hope the wounds don't get infected. Nice that you helped the dog. Too bad it didn't realise you were trying to help.
  19. newguy

    Stupid Mistake With Stc 1000

    The hops are probably fine. Plant them - they'll probably sprout. The soil here freezes to a depth of about 60cm in winter and so do the hops yet mine keep coming back every spring.
  20. newguy

    4wd Air Compressor

    I shot him an email yesterday and this is his reply: I know for a fact that they have an electrically actuated clutch on the belt drive for their (ex) air conditioning compressor. Their air tank is a standard "pancake" tank from a small garage/handyman compressor available almost anywhere...