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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. going down a hill

    Club Incorporation Details

    So far with the club getting off the ground the people who have been most active in the forums regarding MM are the people who have put their hand up. I'd be happy with all of the people who have put their hand up for the specific roles to be in charge of the club.
  2. going down a hill

    Club recipe book

    I think the logo looks great.
  3. going down a hill

    Beer tasting at club meetings

    I heard an interview with the head of the big hb club The Maltose Falcons in the US. They have two types of tastings where one is informal and is a basic evaluation of the brew where pleasantries are exchanged and is not very formal, the other is you sit down with two people (who are bjcp...
  4. going down a hill

    Horizon Comparative Brew

    If any one has an iphone there is a free app which has all of the bjcp styles. Just search for bjcp.
  5. going down a hill

    Horizon Comparative Brew

    Or we could get all of the beers brought out randomly with only the hop times, that way we can taste what hop went in at what time. Or just go with number 6. I checked my brewmate file and there is no mention of a starter, i remember the yeast was around a month old so it was under pitched, I...
  6. going down a hill

    Horizon Comparative Brew

    I used 029 a few years back, i mashed at 66c and didn't use brewing salts, it came out lovely but it was sweet as opposed to dry which is the ball park I was aiming for, so it might rock an alt but it didn't come up as first choice. And I love trying new yeasts.
  7. going down a hill

    Horizon Comparative Brew

    Yeah I've been looking at the kolsch yeasts available and most don't attenuate enough for the dry finish that the Alt needs. Btw, How long did it take for the yeast to drop for your beer?
  8. going down a hill

    Horizon Comparative Brew

    Thanks, I think it'll go OK.I don't think I have ever used a yeast that is low in flocculation, I hope the cold conditioning will drop it all out In regards to the gypsum that's fine by my ez water calculations.It's a 28 ltr batch of beer as well, I was thinking of putting more in but I pulled...
  9. going down a hill

    Horizon Comparative Brew

    So this is a recipe I have scratched together. It says single infusion but I think a couple of steps will be the go and a decoction mash for the fun of it. Dusseldorf Altbier Dusseldorf Altbier Recipe Specs ---------------- Batch Size (L): 28.0 Total Grain (kg): 6.500 Total...
  10. going down a hill

    Horizon Comparative Brew

    What style are you brewing, or is it a secret?
  11. going down a hill


    I did a buteyko breathing course 15 years ago and it helped me get my asthma under control. The swimming does the same thing as buteyko breathing with regulating your breathing. Terrible news, hospital trips with asthma sucks, take it easy mate.
  12. going down a hill

    Horizon Comparative Brew

    If you want to team up with me that would be cool. Put down a brew in the next fortnight?
  13. going down a hill

    Horizon Comparative Brew

    I would be keen to do this as well. Ipa sounds good to me. On a cheeky side note, seeing that I didn't make it last night are there any spare hops lying around? All cool if thats a no go.
  14. going down a hill

    ANHC Four - Merri Mashers representation?

    I wont be able to go to it, the speaker list looks fantastic though. I have heard an interview with Vinnie from Russian River, the dude knows his stuff about belgians, casks and sours.
  15. going down a hill

    doesnt taste right

    As stated check out As for the hydrometer link, a good read on the same website. Its just a good read from start to finish. As far as telling if your grain was put through a mill, the grain should look like its been...