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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. going down a hill

    Aldi Pressure Cooker

    I add root vegetables 20 mins after the meat, you have to depressurise the cooker then cook for 10-15min more. Works a treat.
  2. going down a hill

    Horizon Comparative Brew

    I agree,good read Luke. Thanks again for putting on a good tasting.
  3. going down a hill

    Who's Used Wyeast 1187 Ringwood

    Just a healthy pitch, Ive never had it under attenuate.
  4. going down a hill

    Who's Used Wyeast 1187 Ringwood

    1968 is the other yeast that rocks for me with English beers, but Ringwood is king
  5. going down a hill

    Who's Used Wyeast 1187 Ringwood

    My favourite yeast hands down. Gives great stone fruit esters . I agree with Les, a yeast like no other. Stout with Ringwood is a good choice.
  6. going down a hill

    Diy Grain mill

    How did you make it? Tell me more! It looks like it does the job pretty well.
  7. going down a hill

    On brew day, what do you do during the wait times?

    Morning brewing is the way to go, especially when you get the water set on a timer the night before so you wake up to strike temp.
  8. going down a hill

    Aldi Pressure Cooker

    No chance, it cant fit a 1l flask but you don't really need to autoclave flasks. We got one of these pressure cookers last time aldi had them. They are great except the handle cracked, its still safe to use just a little annoying. Plus you can cook with it!
  9. going down a hill

    The naming of beer.

    If I name a beer its normally the ingredients that went into it. Eg- Marris Otter grain, kent goldings hops and ringwood yeast would be called The Golden Otter from Ringwood. That way if I look up my recipe data base I know which beer is which if I want to re brew or use a particular brew as a...
  10. going down a hill

    Bronx pale ale.

    Preston and Fundoora are out of stock. No dice for me.
  11. going down a hill

    Grain %

    Don't go over 100%
  12. going down a hill

    Horizon Comparative Brew

    I was thinking with the tasting that maybe we should try beers in order of lowest ibu's to highest. That way we don't lose the flavour of the lower bittered beers to the big bangers. Ps. I can help set up and serve with the blind taste testings.
  13. going down a hill

    Murrays and their "no added sugar"

    Some breweries ferment in pressurised vessels and reach the desired carb level in the primary.
  14. going down a hill

    Club Incorporation Details

    What happens at brew club stays at brew club.
  15. going down a hill

    Keg bulk buy

    Dave has gone out of his way with two different bulk buys. Cut the good man some slack. Friday was a public holiday that you didn't question either.
  16. going down a hill

    Mornington IPA clone - OG 1.074 & WP001 - ? sufficient yeast

    Or you could add more hops in it to counter that problem. Or drink it faster! Better that than under pitching imho.
  17. going down a hill

    Mornington IPA clone - OG 1.074 & WP001 - ? sufficient yeast

    Thats a big under pitch in my books. I haven't done any side by side comparisons but the internet says that us05 and 001 are the same yeast. I'd chuck in the us05 for good measure.