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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. K

    Whats The Worst Beer You've Ever Tried?

    Unobroue La Fin Du Monde Bubble gum beer that I had to force down. Then had the taste stuck in my mouth for the next day. I have had some bad home brew at club meetings, eveh poured one out. They are not as memorable as that one.
  2. K

    Pre-boil Gravity Accuracy Problem

    I tossed the software and made adjustments to a spreadsheet called Suds. I am always close enough in my pre boil gravity and my post boil gravity and volume to keep me happy. I have found that the other software I tried was never quite right on water or gravity. Before the spreadsheet I was...
  3. K

    Ro Water And Ph Measurements

    If the pH is unstable then how do you know if it is time to change the membranes? By the time you get several stable pH readings, are you way past it, or just lucky?
  4. K

    Help! I've Flooded My Reg With Beer!

    After you let the horse out of the barn get one of the horse proof barn gates. Or if you are only dealing with a CO2 regulator make sure it has a check valve on it. Yes you can still get liquid back with a check valve. Much less likely if you have one. If in doubt unplug it and make sure the...
  5. K

    Father Christmas Or Santa, Presents At The End Of The Bed Or By The Tr

    Well I am in the USA so we had Santa, and SNOW. When I was a kid I remember going to bed and waking up on Christmas day with the house decorated and presents under the tree. We had stockings hung by the fire with fruit and nuts and other goodies. Christmas lasted till after new years. After...
  6. K

    Ss Mesh Biab

    I like the idea for one reason. I have some cuts in my bag from stupid things I did and the rim of my keggle. If I was going to do this I would ditch the Silicon and just use stainless wire to sew it all together. Or I would find someone that could weld it all together. Glue has the nasty...
  7. K

    Ro Water And Ph Measurements

    Why are you worried about the pH of RO water? If you have a good system and the membrains are freash it should be pure as burning O2 and H. Even asking will get people worried about the pH of their brewing water. The pH is of no importance. IT is what is in the water that is important. RO...
  8. K

    Irish Moss

    Me thinks the OP needs to learn how to start a poll. No. I do not use it on wheats.
  9. K

    Why A Carboy?

    We use glass because that is what we used to get and use. Now we use plastic buckets with lids. I have never seen a plastic fermentor like you use in the USA. But I have not looked either.
  10. K

    2nd Biab - Dr Smurto's Golden Ale - Beginner Questions

    You have a keggle, why are you messing with sparging? BIAB is suposed to be full volume brewing so no need to add an extra step. If you are just trying to follow the recipe add all the water they call for in the beginning. When done mashing bring to mash out temp, pull the bag and continue to...
  11. K

    Brew In A Bag And Equipment Questions

    Need to push more hose on the copper chiller. I have a good 5 or 6cm pushed on mine. Only explosion I have had was the fitting that goes on the garden hose.
  12. K

    Stick On Thermometers

    Active fermentation is when it is most important to monitor temperature, for ales anyway. If you have ever seen what the wort is doing during active fermentation you would have to say it is all the same temperature. In 20 liters of still wort the difference in temperature from top to bottom...
  13. K

    The Impacts Of A Low Mash Ph

    No one said he is using Phosphoric acid as strike water. Stand by what I said. The pH of the water used to brew with has no effect on the pH of the mash. If you think it does then you need to read up on brewing a bit.
  14. K

    The Impacts Of A Low Mash Ph

    Surprised no one has pointed out that the pH of your brewing water has Zip to do with the pH of your Mash.
  15. K

    What Thermometer Will Be 100% Accurate - Im Willing To Pay...

    I would not brew with a mercury filled glass thermometer. Sorry I missed that the first time. If a spirit filled thermometer breaks in the brewery it is much easier to clean up. A spirit filed glass thermometer, if taken care of in storage, will be more reliable then the digital or the dial...
  16. K

    What Thermometer Will Be 100% Accurate - Im Willing To Pay...

    You want a certified thermometer. Need to learn how to take care of it before paying the price.
  17. K

    Closing A Cub Style Sanke Keg

    Arent the clips hardened? You seem to be able to buy most anything from someone. If you take the old clip to a supplier of such things I bet you could find a new snap ring that would work. I think Keg Connection in the USA has kits for kegs that have what you need. Shipping may be a bit.
  18. K

    Hop Bomb Ipa

    The kits should have the hop rating on them or you can find it by looking at the manufacturer site. I would start with an IPA kit and add some hops to it. If you can get hop extract then you can add bitterness to the kit easy. The hop flavor is as easy as boiling some unhopped extract with...
  19. K

    Mushroom Beer

    Mushroom beer is in the same class as Hot Pepper or Jalapeo beer. A Hot Pepper beer almost won our club BJCP event. The mushroom beer was odd. I did not find the need to sample either one. The Hot Pepper beer was all but sucked up so it must have been my loss. From what I gather if you want...
  20. K

    Biab Wort Question

    Aint the internet great! Here I am reading a forum from Australia and a post from a brewer only a few hours drive from me in the USA. The ad vice you received is best. Dont worry about the wort. The reason why BIAB is a big secret in the USA is brewers here are stuck in the mud (or mash) and...