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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. dreamboat

    Limited Edition Erdinger World Cup Pack

    Has anybody seen these in Brisbane anywhere? I am always keen for some shiney new glasswear...... Rob
  2. dreamboat

    Your Favourite Belgian Brew

    Rochefort 10 Rodenbach Grand Cru Not sure after that... would love to try a westy, but hard to put it on the list until I have. The rodenbach grand cru is brilliant, nothing like any other beer I have tried. Full of such weird flavours that meld into something outstanding, challenging but...
  3. dreamboat

    All Set To Go, But.....

    While it is apparent that the carpils by itself will be okay..... if you are already doing a "steep", why not throw in a kilo of pilsner and make it into a minimash? Won't add too much to your brewday, but will add a lot to your beer! dreamboat
  4. dreamboat

    Can You Ferment For Too Long?

    Marmite's Mighty - it's delicious Marmite's Mighty - it's nutritious Marmite's Mighty you'll agree Eat it for vitality! dreamboat
  5. dreamboat

    Virus? Help!

    4- Mozilla Firefox 5- Linux Cheers dreamboat
  6. dreamboat

    Nz Beer At 1st Choice Liqour

    The copperhop is a good drop. Actually, none of them are really bad (tho I have not tried teh Radler). dreamboat
  7. dreamboat


    Have a look at some of the threads about using a computer to control your system.... you can get the control boards to get i/o for around $100, and the rest is in the programming. This is still a "one day" exercise for me, but that day is getting closer. A PLC with analogue inputs to support...
  8. dreamboat

    Temperature Controllers

    I will start a list: PBrosnan x 1
  9. dreamboat

    Temperature Controllers

    That will still be right Tim. If anybody is interested in being a part of the next bulk buy, please start a list as of NOW so I can be sure that those who have shown interest over the last month or so are still keen. As before, if we get up around 6 units, I will organise this again. FYI...
  10. dreamboat

    Temperature Controllers

    Easy and safe solution is to put an external relay in the system. Probably a $20 part, which will protect your temp controller from being run over-current. Any semi-competent sparkie will be able to wire it up for you. dreamboat
  11. dreamboat

    Current Tax Rates For Transport Fuels

    THe thing that gets me fired up, is that the price of Diesel is more than that of petrol. Assuming that the taxation figures given above are correct, then the govt is not making any more money out of it, so that must meant hat someone else is making a killing on it.... let me think.... who...
  12. dreamboat

    Steeping Or Mashing ?

    Yes, you definately need to crack the grains. The practice of steeping vs mashing (in my mind anyway) is pretty much the same, and only differs due to the grains which you are using. In a mash, the grains used have enzymes which work to release the sugars from within the mash. In steeping...
  13. dreamboat

    Water/grain Ratio(again)

    I run about 2.4 l/kg, plus another 4.0 litres which is lost under the false bottom which would get me up around the 3 mark.... however, that which is under the false bottom does not really affect the mash itself, so I voted 2.5 dreamboat
  14. dreamboat

    Perforated Ss Mesh For Mash Tun

    There are a couple of crowds which I have got s/s mesh from, many different wire thickness and hole size.... Metalmesh Melwire well worth a call - but I think they generally sell the same products. I have a catalogue from metalmesh at work, and there is a massive list of screen sizes which...
  15. dreamboat

    Air Pump For Aeration Stone

    I picked up four of those s/s airstones when I headed out to the aquarium shop last week. Not a flash looking as the one shown in the picture on their website, but still looks to be a reasonable quality. I have been unable to give one a test as my pump is presently engaged elsewhere. I have...
  16. dreamboat

    Vienna Lager Recipe

    Try scrapping the melanoidin and caramunich, and make sure you use the right yeast! I made one, around 50% pils and 50% vienna, using a bock yeast, and i came up trumps - the bock yeast giving the sweetness that you are trying to retain in the style. dreamboat
  17. dreamboat

    Beer To Sweet

    1020 is definately on the high side. You may have some luck with the additional yeast, personally, I would have taken a sample of say 500ml to test with more yeast first, to see if it will start up, and to see how much better it will get. The extra sugar may not be the end of the world as it...
  18. dreamboat

    Beer To Sweet

    Hydrometer readings usually give a bit of a clue as to what has to be done, and how far off the mark you might be. What is your FG reading? dreamboat
  19. dreamboat

    Whats Brewing For Easter 2006?

    That is a good start to the weekend Altstart. I'm off to do some temperature testing on my mashtun.... but maybe brewing a pils sunday or monday..... I have all these czech saaz which have been taunting me every time I pass the freezer. dreamboat
  20. dreamboat

    Air Pump For Aeration Stone

    Great find Joel! I already have a couple of s/s airstones, but Browns plains is just down the road from where I work.... if anybody wants one/two/three of these, let me know and I can head over a pick up a few. I reckon it could be posted for no more than a couple of bucks. dreamboat