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  1. n00ch

    Stout Recipe, Comments Please

    Gday I Don't know how much of a help it is but I brewed a Oatmeal Stout the other week and used the Instant Oats without a 40 dregree rest and didn't seem to have any problems. I only used 320g's and didn't have any sparge problems at all. Just my experience with it. If the only reason you...
  2. n00ch

    Wanted - Urn With Element

    I got mine from Newcastle Kitchen and Cutlery at Adamstown. You could probably try B & B Supplies up the road from you in Cardfiff they would probably sell them to. There is also a place in East Maitland that sells birko urns but i'm not sure on the price.
  3. n00ch

    Wanted - Urn With Element

    You could also try these guys. I bought my 40ltr Crown Urn for $280 from a chef/kitchen place. Someone else around here looked into one from them directly and I think they were around $260.
  4. n00ch

    What are you brewing?

    Haven't done a stout in a while so thought I'd brew an Oatmeal Stout today. 4.4kg Pale Malt .26kg Chocolate malt .125kg Black .3kg flaked oats 25gm Challenger @ 60min 40gm Fuggles @ 60min
  5. n00ch

    The Greatest Album Of 2006

    I put another vote in for Tool -10,000 days. Jeez it been hard seeing them live twice the past 2 days... Should go pretty well in the hottest 100 today I would think.
  6. n00ch

    eBay Items III

    By this I assume you are in Newcastle Eugene? If so and you want a cheap fridge go to the Cardiff Tender Centre this weekend, there are always a few there. I bought 1 from there to use as another fermenting fridge a few months back for $25. The Hamilton one also seems to be on this weekend. Cheers
  7. n00ch

    Murrays Nirvana Pale Ale- Now Bottled

    Yes when I was drinking the Sassy Blonde the first thought that came to mind was De Koninck. Great beer. Can't wait to get up there and try the rest. Cheers
  8. n00ch

    Murrays Nirvana Pale Ale- Now Bottled

    I bought a 4 pack of the Murrays Sassy Blonde yesterday and thought it was a really nice easy drinking beer. The botttle shop was out of the Nirvana PA (apparently ordered 10 cases that didn't last long) but i will be up there in a month so Gough better have some there then! I have only heard...
  9. n00ch

    What are you brewing?

    bindi, I'm not sure if its the best way to export it from BeerSmith but if you right click on the recipe and export it as a text file you can cut and paste it from there. Someone might have a better method though. As for the brewing, i am brewing a APA this weekend and will be racking a...
  10. n00ch

    A Beer Accompaniment

    The Chilli Factory seems to have quite a few outlets around the country and has some really good sauces. I bought some "Turbo Supercharge" Habenero paste the other week... now i'm a chilli freak and love it hot but jesus this stuff is hot. I don't think i would go anywhere near the Naga Jolokia...
  11. n00ch

    2006 Nsw Xmas Case (december)

    Well cases were sorted today and all the Newcastle return cases are at MHB's waiting to be picked up. Thanks Duff for putting up the place and organising the smooth sorting today. Cheers
  12. n00ch

    2006 Nsw Xmas Case (december)

    1. Duff - RyeIPA 2. Stuster - American Rye- ready to drink - WLP320 3. goatherder - APA, Wyeast 1056, Bottled 11/11. Drink sooner rather than later. 4. Trent - Nut Brown Ale - Ready to Drink. Wyeast 1028. 5. DJR - Klsch - ready to drink. WLP029/US56 mix. 6. Pint of Lager - Dunkel - ready to...
  13. n00ch

    2006 Nsw Xmas Case (december)

    Seems we are still missing 2 cases in Newcastle, Weizguy and Chilled? I'll be picking them up this afternoon and delivering to Duff's tomorrow so they really have to be there by this afternoon. Cheers
  14. n00ch

    2006 Nsw Xmas Case (december)

    Just so you guys know, I will be dropping off the Newcastle cases to Duff's on the 2/12. Can everyone dropping beers off to Marks Home Brew make sure they are there by the 1/12. Cheers
  15. n00ch

    2006 Nsw Xmas Case (december)

    Just thought I'd update the list with my contribution. Mines also having a bit of a lager at the moment and should be bottled this weekend. 1. Duff - RyeIPA 2. Stuster - American Rye 3. goatherder - APA 4. Trent - Brown Ale 5. DJR - Klsch - ready to drink. 6. Pint of Lager 7. Doc - Saison 8...
  16. n00ch

    Dave Logsdon Of Wyeast Visit

    Looks like i'm getting it from you now. I'll continue to seed when I finish and my pc is on 24/7. Cheers
  17. n00ch

    How Is Your March Pump Performing

    I agree with Justin. I was looking at the different ways of having it when i was deigning my stand and if i was to fly sparge i was going to have 2 tier with HLT above the other 2. As he has said easy to see into and can use it for your sparge water without the need to pump.
  18. n00ch

    How Is Your March Pump Performing

    Jeez you must have had a few beers on sunday! haha As i was telling you then I use my pump to move everything except to the fermenter. Which i could do but don't see the point in my setup. I batch sparge so i don't need to do them both at the same time. If you were to fly sparge i don't think...
  19. n00ch

    2006 Nsw Xmas Case (december)

    Yep i'm in for sure. 1. Duff 2. Stuster 3. goatherder 4. Trent 5. DJR 6. Pint of Lager 7. Doc 8. 9. Kieth the beer Guy 10.Chilled 11. Nooch
  20. n00ch

    Hag Brew Day At Potters

    I also echo what has been said. A great day and a good chance to meet a few new local brewers and talk beer. Thanks MHB, Keith, David and Scotty for organising and running the day. Can't wait to do something like this again.