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  1. Thirsty Boy

    Home Brewer Irrational Fear Of Autolysis

    all true but still mainly something that need concern brewers in a commercial situation where the conditions at the bottom of large fermenters are much more aggressive than those you'll find in a homebrew fermenter. Co2 levels, pressures, etc much lower and DO almost certainly higher in the HB...
  2. Thirsty Boy

    No Chill

    Its possible I guess to get a bit of lightstrike in cubes. It wont be a "big" issue though because the lightstrike chemical reaction requires riboflavin to be present and there is hardly any in wort, it mainly comes from yeast. I wouldn't worry about a cube getting "a bit of light" - but...
  3. Thirsty Boy

    No Chill

    No chill cubes will of course age - is that age going to be good "aging" or bad "getting old" ... question really? Things will oxidise, they must - hop bittering products will fall out of solution, they must - will old wort be different to new wort, it must. Better or worse? who knows. If you...
  4. Thirsty Boy

    Home Made Hand Pump/beer Engine

    i have not done, but have thought about the "aspirator" issue. I figure.... take one plastic bag, if possible a silver oxygen proof bag.... fill it with C02 from either your bottle or a handy fermenting beer. Not pressurised pr anything, just blow it up so its full of gas. Now, when you want...
  5. Thirsty Boy

    Thermostat Or External Temp. Controller

    quick note - i have one of the F&P 215 units that i use as a keg fridge there is a little plastic ridge that runs around the top, where the seal sits - its like a very short collar in and of itself and you can just drill a hole through the plastic to insert the probe. 5 or 6mm IIRC and then...
  6. Thirsty Boy

    Anhc 2012

    not unless you can do it in the mash tun.... keep it simple & take the sysmash philosophy at face value. You could very lightly smoke all your malt to achieve the same effect though, plus remember the object is that its a collaborative brew for your club more than an individual effort.
  7. Thirsty Boy

    The Road To All Grain

    If you are agitating well while the heat is on... it'll be fine. You'll probably be a chunk better (and easier) after a pump goes in, you've got a lot of space under that FB and stirring doesn't go through things like that very well, so sucking out the potentially "hot" wort (you're right aout...
  8. Thirsty Boy

    Setting Up For Biab

    Nah, thats what I'm trying to tell you - seive type filters just dont work properly for stopping trub. If its fine enough to actually filter out break material, it will just clog up. A hop bag is just a floppy seive and the same will happen to it. First, some wort will come through, it will be...
  9. Thirsty Boy

    Salami 101

    They hang in a storage cupboard out the back door of our unit - my first year of salami hung in our front hallway... but unfortunately swmbo does not share your opinion of drying salamis smelling 'awesome'. She did not officially complain, however I decided it would be prudent to come up with...
  10. Thirsty Boy

    The Road To All Grain

    where is your pump or your agitator? If you are shoving heat in the bottom of that thing, and you aren't stirring it up, then any temperature readings you are taking during the mash are fantasy I'm afraid. You are measuring the temperature of the mash in the region of the pot very close to the...
  11. Thirsty Boy

    Salami 101

    Almost all my salamis (except the big ones) are ready or aout to be ready to eat. I made some more, all beef pepperonis (the brown ones) and some saucisson sec. I also cured a bunch of small shoulder peices for dry cured/air dried hams, a bresaola (red wine brine cure), a pancetta and a...
  12. Thirsty Boy

    Setting Up For Biab

    dont use the braid, it wont work. It'll just clog up. anything that is fine enough to filter out break, is also fine enough to clog up almost instantly as soon as it does. Effective "trub" filters need a really quite large surface area, or they need to be "depth" filters like a hop-back. Big...
  13. Thirsty Boy

    My Single Vessel Biab Electric Build

    little rubber/silicon feet on the bolts will stop the galvanic corrosion - but easier is to either just take the thing out of the pot when you aren't using it, or make sure its completely dry. galvanic corrosion needs moisture and metal on metal contact to happen. I have an aluminium kettle...
  14. Thirsty Boy

    Setting Up For Biab

    cake rack for the bottom... IMO, only if the lack of one makes you nervous - you shouldn't need one, but having one certainly isn't a bad thing either.
  15. Thirsty Boy

    Setting Up For Biab

    a wort cooler or a no-chill cube or two. a paint stirrer style mash paddle (just like a bloody big potato masher) for a few bucks from bunnings eventually - but not as a matter of any priority - a pick up tube assembly so you can tweak the level from which you draw your wort. Maximise your...
  16. Thirsty Boy

    Step Mashing In A 3 Tier Gravity System

    you use boiling (or close) water for your infusions, then you sparge with sparge temp water, which you get by adding some cold tap water to the boiling water in your HLT. Simple. The good brewing software, Promash or Beersmith, will calculate your infusion additions for you. OR You can just...
  17. Thirsty Boy

    Where Does A Red Ipa "fit" In Bjcp Guidelines?

    why does one aspect thats outside the guidelines make a beer "out of style" and worth a score in the twenties? It just doesn't. Out of style is for someone who does something like enter an american wheat into the hefe category. yeah its a wheat beer, yeah its well brewed, but it aint no hefe...
  18. Thirsty Boy

    No Chill Hop Additions

    absolutely - which is why this stuff is so definitely in the "you're just going to have to work it out for yourself" category. Hop flowers work very differently to pellets, even in the boil and very much so in no chill. You get less bittering potential from flowers than pellets in a boil...
  19. Thirsty Boy

    No Chill Hop Additions

    but you see - the green stuff that you leave behind, has nothing to do with it, people who think it does, misunderstand how hops work. Hops contain alpha acids, which are insoluble in cold wort or beer, but soluble in hot wort. Boiling hops dissolves the alpha acids and then causes a chemical...
  20. Thirsty Boy

    Pork Rolls (bnh M)

    At work (just off victoria st richmond) they are in fact know colloquially as three fiddies. I've lived 200 yards away from vietnamese restaurant central on Vic st for the last 20years..... I've eaten a shitlod of these thing and they're the best value "sandwich" in town. How normal shops can...