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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Ray_Mills

    Nsw Homebrew Competition 2005

    Andrew If the $7 is your problem then don't enter your beers. I think the rules are quite clear without repeating them. Ray
  2. Ray_Mills

    Nsw Homebrew Competition 2005

    Hi To Andrew and Ross, I have contacted the organiser of the Queensland State competition and will have details when answered. First this is a competiton for NSW brewers to enter and winners will qualify for the National competition held this year at South Austrlia. Any brewers living outside...
  3. Ray_Mills

    Nsw Homebrew Competition 2005

    Hi Entry forms and conditions are now posted for those who did not enter last year. I hope last years brewers have recieved their forms by email. Cheers Ray
  4. Ray_Mills

    Boiling Times

    Hi When I use FWH they are the flavor hops of my beer. After using it for years I have come to the conclusion of calculating the IBU's bitterness of these hops as a 40 minute boil. Trust me it works Ray
  5. Ray_Mills

    Crushed Maize

    Polenta is maize Just put it in the mash How easy is that Ray
  6. Ray_Mills

    Nsw Homebrew Competition 2005

    It will be a good TWO days Muga Turn up and meet us all Ray
  7. Ray_Mills

    Nsw Homebrew Competition 2005

    Hi all Well the competition is getting close. As said before we need help on the days of judging. We need senior judges and assistant judges, assistant judjes are the guys and girls out there that know their beers and styles, have a good palate and want to give it a go :blink: . We need...
  8. Ray_Mills

    Saison You Will Never Forget

    Hi The tea bags did not burst as I have used them on 3 or 4 brews. (Every morning I say to the Dragon Lady,"you want a tea bag" I get the dried orange peel from any good asian shop, some are packed as dried Mandarin peel or dried peel of some sort of orange. All are ok as you are putting in...
  9. Ray_Mills

    Coopers Two Can Long Ferment

    Brizbrew Just wait till it ferments out. depending on the temp it could be a week away. All my primary fermentation i leave for 2 weeks or more depending on the brew. Looks like the beer might be a bit sweet to me. Good luck
  10. Ray_Mills

    Saison You Will Never Forget

    Hi This is my latest Saison. Its taken a few brews to get it right, cut down on the spices with this batch so they come through very nice. This batch has had some big reviews and I am off and making it again during this week in the dark, well it will be an after work batch. If you like to try...
  11. Ray_Mills


    Hi Just go to a health food store and grab some flaked Rye. Don't have to worry about whats in it as its Rye. Cheap as chips Ray
  12. Ray_Mills

    Nsw Homebrew Competition 2005

    This information will be on the site soon, promise Cheers Ray
  13. Ray_Mills

    Nsw Homebrew Competition 2005

    Hi The IBU's (Illawarra Brewers Union) with help from brewers in Bathurst, Newcastle, Canberra and Sydney have finally come up with dates for this year's Competition. The competition will be judged over 2 days at The Five Islands Brewing Co in Wollongong. The NSW Competition now has its own...
  14. Ray_Mills

    New Wey. Bohemian Pils Malt Arrives

    Hi Lindsay Nice to here from you again, Had a chat to Mel late last week and they did a single infusion mash with a gravity FG of 1.065 Told me it was a standard 22 L batch. Give one batch a go and let us all know Cheers Ray
  15. Ray_Mills

    Fosters Latest Ad (overseas)

    It is a nice shady spot
  16. Ray_Mills

    Ray's Wort Kits

    Hi all Its really simple, You have all see the ESB Wort kits. Actually I am drinking one right now from my keg and its a clear as a whistle. The ESB Wort kits are made the same way, after the boil they are racked to the 15L drum and off they go to Mel's outlet. I picked up a batch once from ESB...
  17. Ray_Mills

    New Wey. Bohemian Pils Malt Arrives

    Hi For all those who have this new malt and want to do a decoction, you will need to adjust your recipe with your increased efficiency. eg. Single Infusion for me is 65% Single decoction is 72% Double decoction is 80% Might be old hat for most but important for those new at decoction. Cheers Ray
  18. Ray_Mills

    New Wey. Bohemian Pils Malt Arrives

    Hi Looked up the Weyermann site and there was the recipe I was looking for, using my new Bohemian pils malt. Had a good look and came up with this double decoction recipe. See how I go this time. Cheers Ray
  19. Ray_Mills

    New Wey. Bohemian Pils Malt Arrives

    Hi How many of you have tried to make a Bohemian Pils and get it right. This Style must be the hardest of all to get right. I have made at least 6 of them from single infusion to single decoction to double decoctions, lagered for 3 to 8 weeks. All of them were ok, but there was something...
  20. Ray_Mills

    New Wey. Bohemian Pils Malt Arrives

    Hi all Mel has my 25kg bag put aside to pick up tomorrow, should be interesting malt. Cheers Ray