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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. G

    Vic "off Season" Swap

    Mine's the unlabeled bottle with the black cap, it's an extract amber ale made using this recipe. It's been in the bottle about 3 weeks now, should be good to go but another week or two probably wont hurt it either :)
  2. G

    Earthquake In Melbourne

    Felt it all the way out here in Teesdale (about 30km west of Geelong), apparently the house shook pretty badly, but i was in the garage and didnt notice it :(
  3. G

    Vic "off Season" Swap

    I'll be there :), not sure how long i'll be able to hang around though, have to get to moorabbin earlyish...
  4. G

    Vic "off Season" Swap

    Cool, I'll take spot 11 then (if it's still open). Look forward to it :)
  5. G

    Vic "off Season" Swap

    So is this AG only? Ive got an extract amber ale conditioning atm (only my second brew and haven't tasted it yet :P) im interested in getting some feedback and sampling some of the AG brews (im currently getting my AG setup together). But i dont want to ruin the swap with my possibly mediocre...
  6. G

    Wtb: Large Pot For All Grain Bag Brewing

    I cant seem to find anything about a no postage deal on the website... got a link? I'll give em a ring monday otherwise :).
  7. G

    New Bbc Beer? Series To Download

    Cheers Nige, great series :icon_cheers:
  8. G


    On a similar note... :D
  9. G

    Wanted: 750ml Bottles - Geelong

    Hi, I'm in the process of getting together some equipment for my first brew and I'm in need of some bottles (pref 2-3 dozen) in Geelong (or surrounding areas), willing to pay :) . Thanks for any help.