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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. G

    Beertimer Software

    Awesome, I was looking for something like this the other day :icon_cheers: , seems to work on my N95. A couple of suggestions though, it would be nice to enter addition times manually or if not have and option for 60 minute additions (for boils longer than 60 mins). Edit: It seems to pause when...
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    Good Hop For Single Hop Ipa/apa

    Mikkeller have a selection of single hop ipa's if your looking for inspiration, i've tried the simcoe, warrior and nelson sauvin varieties and they were all very tasty from memory
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    Beersmith Data

    The dingemans data is available here
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    Christmas 2009 Lottery

    Oops, I forgot all about this, email sent
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    Christmas 2009 Lottery

    1.QldKev 2. AndrewQLD 3. Kleiny 4. Schooey 5. Pok (if I don't have a beer to send I'll send a bottle of wine will be one I made atleast) 6. barls 7. Bradsbrew 8. BEERHOG 9. marksfish 10. Mayor of Mildura 11. Brendo 12. Drew9242 13. Domonsura 14. Bizier 15. glaab 16. geoff_tewierik...
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    Free Biscuit Malt

    1. jlm (1 kg Bairds medium Crystal) 2. Stubbie (1 kg carahell/caramunich II) 3. DK 4. sappas (1kg Munich or some other spec. grain) 5. Thommo 6. Pollux (1kg Carahell, caraamber, carared) 7. Leiothrix 8.dans6401 9.Hogshead 10. Jazman(1 kg wey munich 2) Reserve 1. Mattese 2. Bum (happy to be...
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    Melbourne Monster Mill Mm-2 Bulk Buy

    Sorry just got home, dont have access to a computer at work ;)
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    Melbourne Monster Mill Mm-2 Bulk Buy

    Awesome, i'm definently in at that price :icon_cheers:
  9. G

    Melbourne Monster Mill Mm-2 Bulk Buy

    Fourstar Supra-Jim Darkman christmasbender - dependant on price & timing (might have a word in santa's ear) GumbyOne - pending price
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    Whats In The Glass

    First post in this thread :o , first taste of an extract amber ale I brewed about two weeks ago, very nice considering its age, slight hint of chocolate and some wilamette goodness. Possibly my last extract brew ever! nearly got all my AG kit together :beerbang: .
  11. G

    Mashmaster Dei 105 Fridge Controller Instructions

    No offence intended, but the wiring diagram you linked seems pretty straightforward to me, and i know bugger all about electronics. Perhaps you should let someone who knows what they're doing to get it wired up for you ;)
  12. G

    Food Grade Eskys

    I dont think any eskys are designed to hold hot liquid and from what i've read a lot will distort over time. I think as long as it still keeps your mash at temperature its all good.
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    Vic "off Season" Swap Tasting Thread

    Oops must have underprimed that bottle, sorry about that. Good to hear it was ok anyway :)
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    Metallurgy And Homebrewing

    I don't understand this thread... should I be sourcing all my homebrewing equipment and ingedients from wholesalers?? im confused :huh:
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    RecipeDB - Strong Scottish Ale

    Wouldn't mind trying this one but I see it has amber and smoked malt, dont these require a mash (it's listed as an extract recipe)? Cheers
  16. G

    March Pump Bulk Buy

    1. sera, pump + impeller upgrade, interested regardless of price 2. RetsamHsam, pump (impeller unspecified?), pending price 3. gap, pump+impeller upgrade, pending price 4. Brendo - pump & impeller, pending price 5. Sijani, pump pending price, impeller pending price 6 Doogiechap impeller upgrade...
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    Vic "off Season" Swap Tasting Thread

    Cheers mate glad you enjoyed it, look forward to trying yours :icon_cheers: . Ive gotten a bit behind on this, had these over the last few days (apologies for lack of detail): 2. Barra - Southern German Lager - Drinking this now, forgot this was the exciteable one but got it to the sink before...
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    Vic "off Season" Swap Tasting Thread

    BULP - TDA's Fly blown Belgian (Red Malty Bliss Piss) Really liked this one :), Beautiful dark red colour, tan head, poured it cold forgetting it was a strong belgian :P tasted a bit muddled at first but once it warmed a bit got a really nice malty/bananary taste (apologies for my descriptions...
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    Vic "off Season" Swap Tasting Thread

    Tried a couple tonight Dr Smurtos Golden Ale (stubbies) - Sensational! Delicious lingering sweet/citrusy flavor. I now see why everyones brewing this, definently on my to do list once i get my AG kit together :) Ruddy Hell Lager - Also very good :) Lovely rich roasty flavour, gonna go pour...
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    Vic "off Season" Swap

    Fraser John also had a Dr Smurtos Golden Ale (also ready according to brew date)