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  1. AndrewQLD

    Recipedb - Coopers Pale Ale Clone

    Albainian, the stepped mash will give better conversion, I found using this mash always resulted in the lowest final gravity which is what you want in this beer. You will still make a good beer using a straight infusion just not as well attenuated however I would mash at 63° for 90 minutes.
  2. Photo 13 03 2015 7 18 24 Am

    Photo 13 03 2015 7 18 24 Am

    second decoction pilsner after 15 minute boil
  3. Photo 13 03 2015 7 15 01 Am

    Photo 13 03 2015 7 15 01 Am

    second decoction pilsner
  4. AndrewQLD

    Sour taste to day old cubed porter?

    That was my thought to Manticle, I've left starsan in my dropper and it's dried out, when I used it next the wort tasted acidic.
  5. Photo 1 03 2015 9 24 30 Am

    Photo 1 03 2015 9 24 30 Am

    1st decoction on the boil
  6. Decoction blog

    Decoction blog

  7. Photo 1 03 2015 12 03 15 Pm

    Photo 1 03 2015 12 03 15 Pm

    Decoction Pilsner using 100% Pilsner malt
  8. AndrewQLD

    Sour taste to day old cubed porter?

    Perhaps a little too much starsan residue then.
  9. AndrewQLD

    Sour taste to day old cubed porter?

    Sounds like a Lacto infection, was the cube swollen? Or was there some left over wort in the dropper that had soured then dried out?
  10. AndrewQLD

    Brewers With Solar Power

    Too much technical stuff there for me Kev, that's why I like pretty graghs :P Florian is spot on, the output at the end of the day was 38 Kw and the photo was taken early in the day when it first peaked at 5Kw. As yet Ergon hasn't installed their new meter so the old one was rolling backwards...
  11. AndrewQLD

    Brewers With Solar Power

    First day with the solar power connected, very happy it was cranking out 5 Kw for most of the day.
  12. AndrewQLD

    How long do you bottle condition?

    I'm a big fan of conditioning for bottle carbing at the temp that the yeast is suited to and for a minimum of six weeks, so for an ale I will bottle condition at 18c for six weeks and for a lager I will bottle condition at 9c for 8 weeks.
  13. AndrewQLD

    What are you brewing 2015?

    German Pilsner experimenting using a double decoction mash and getting rid of some leftover hops. The change in color from the decoction was amazing, the wort ended up looking like honey. Estimated OG: 1.049 SG Estimated Color: 5.8 EBC Estimated IBU: 30.8 IBUs Est Mash Efficiency: 80.0 % Boil...
  14. AndrewQLD

    Brewers With Solar Power

    That's about it Florian, we're only getting 8 cents FIT.
  15. AndrewQLD

    Brewers With Solar Power

    Getting our 6 Kw system installed tomorrow, went for the SMA Sunnyboy 5000 inverter and 24 x Jinko panels. Hope Ergon don't kick up a stink when I take the hot water system off Tariff 33.
  16. AndrewQLD

    AHB Biggest Loser Challenge!

    Bloody hell earle 18 kilo in 4 months is huge, that's a major effort. Nice results Pat, the low carb diet is working well for me too, you must be over the moon with the improvement in your diabetes. Weighed in yesterday and i'm down to 83.7 so that's an 8 kilo loss, more than happy with that.
  17. AndrewQLD

    Whats In The Glass

    Unusual combination of hops and malt for a wheat beer DU99, how does it taste?
  18. AndrewQLD

    My Rogers Clone Recipe Tastes Great

    weyermann sinamar would probably work well for the color adjustment.
  19. AndrewQLD

    website deals of the day

    As requestes I've moved the drinking water hose discussion to it's own thread here
  20. AndrewQLD

    Man arrested over alleged distillery operation at Perth house

    No sympathy, if he was on selling to the public. If he was making for himself I feel sorry for him. We had a couple of arrests up here, $10,000 fine per still on the premises and convictions, one guy was caught with 2 stills.