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  1. pbrosnan

    Lest We Forget

    Yeah, a total travesty. If anything those of us who haven't fought should be staying home and quietly reflecting on our slavish acquiescence to our political masters as soon as they start banging the war drum and waving the flag. We forget all to quickly IMHO.
  2. pbrosnan

    Little Creatures Quiet American

    Yes, best we never speak of this again.
  3. pbrosnan

    Little Creatures Quiet American

    deVines in Ingelwood (WA) have some. Just keep your mits off my two cartons.
  4. pbrosnan

    Double Batch Electric System

    A 3.6 plus a 2.4 does. The point is, if you've had a 15A outlet put in you might as well make use of it. P=VI.
  5. pbrosnan

    Double Batch Electric System

    If you've got 15A go 3.6
  6. pbrosnan

    Double Batch Electric System

    I've got a 2.4 and 3.6Kw element in a 100l vessel. I plan to do 75l batches but because I've got to upgrade the tun I've only had it up to about 40l. With that volume it comes to a biol in about 15 minutes with both elements on.
  7. pbrosnan

    Where's The Best Place To Get Camlocs

    Yep, very hard indeed. The Aluminium cracked under the pressure. Thanks for the tip.
  8. pbrosnan

    Where's The Best Place To Get Camlocs

    Is 12mm the best size?
  9. pbrosnan

    Where's The Best Place To Get Camlocs

    Hi all, I camloced the brewery a while back but the fittings were rubbish, didn't close properly and I went back to garden connectors. Where's the best place to get decent ones? Mine were aluminium and the place I bought them from had SS but I can't find it, it was online. Any camloc users out...
  10. pbrosnan

    Beer & Brewer Magazine Subcription

    Yeah but, they can't necessarily get their hands on these. I may have been a little unfair. However I don't know why they bother including things like Sapporo or ***** Modello and they can give the cider a miss.
  11. pbrosnan

    Beer & Brewer Magazine Subcription

    I subscribe to "Brew Your Own (BYO)", it's a US mag (but they have metric measurements). It's strongly focused on home brewing so there's a quite good questions and answer section as well as articles on building stuff and brewing particular styles. Agree with comments about B&B. Most of the...
  12. pbrosnan

    Electric Kettle Project

    Agree with this and the other reports. I've used an urn for years and never had an issue. I think that it comes from a misunderstanding of convection and viscosity.
  13. pbrosnan

    Electric Kettle Project

    Do you direct fire the mash tun?
  14. pbrosnan

    Electric Kettle Project

    Yeah, I've just today bought a 60L fermenter the only problem know is that the 36L Keep Cold mash tun is too small. Any suggestions as to the right size esky? Mine is a HERMS system so I'm looking to stay with a an esky man tun.
  15. pbrosnan

    Electric Kettle Project

    They're simmerstats. I picked the bits out on Grimwoods site and then to their supplier here in Perth and bought the elements and simmerstats. So effectively we've built a 100L urn.
  16. pbrosnan

    Electric Kettle Project

    No, we thought of doing that but in the end the wall was think enough so its bolted in. We attached the control boxes to the back of the element (tapped some threads and then screw it to the box) and then use a nut and gasket on the inside to make the seal. A good mate of mine who's a fitter and...
  17. pbrosnan

    Electric Kettle Project

    Hi all, Here's a couple of pics of an electric kettle I built using one of the Winequip 100L tanks. It's powered by two elements, a 3.6 and 2.4k. ATM I can only mash up to about 35L and it takes about 15mins with both elements on to get to a rolling boil after which I can shut down one of the...
  18. pbrosnan

    Using Sucrose As Yeast Growth Medium

    I've probably got this wrong but from the above it looks like you're going to freeze the yeast which would destroy it so you wouldn't be doing that.
  19. pbrosnan

    Recent Us Beer Experience

    Not too bad I guess. Bear in mind that this was a family holiday so beer was not the main focus. That being said because of the easy availability of a craft beer in the US I still had a damn good beer experience. I was buying schooners of SNPA over the bar at a casino in Las Vegas for $7, they...
  20. pbrosnan

    Recent Us Beer Experience

    I thought the SN Ruthless Rye was a standout, very hoppy and dry. All Lagunitas were excellent.