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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. elcarter

    What is the world coming to?

    I had no idea what this was had to Google it. Mind blown. Thank you for enlightening me further.
  2. elcarter

    What is the world coming to?

    This is a perfect example of a conversion I had with an Australian who had been living in Frankfurt Germany for some time. We were both sitting in the Australian consulate waiting for our turn to vote in the last Australian election when the topic turned to what I assumed was the upcoming local...
  3. elcarter

    Brewtech SS fermenting vessels discussion thread

    Sorry Bribie I only just saw this, if you haven't had any luck and a few of you guys need some I can sort something out at my end.
  4. elcarter


    An offer he seems not to be fussed about. Ah well I'm sure this copper will find the home some day.
  5. elcarter


    As many have said so far get a job doing what ever you can. When you do find paid employment and provide some evidence your on you way to contributing to this country this copper false bottom's yours. One still has to wonder for a man so hard up you still have internet.... Can't be al that...
  6. elcarter

    Little flies in taps / cleaning perlicks

    I just pour the first little bit into the drip tray and carry on. The little buggers don't get far.
  7. elcarter

    Beer line cleaners running risk of blindness, Herald Sun Today

    Bang on warra, Just a case of some employers not carrying out their duties and creating the already enforced safety environment within their organisation. locally manufactured hazard register and safe working practices. I bet there were some near misses on numerous shifts that ether were not...
  8. elcarter

    Plane shot down with 27 Aussies on board.

    Any one put the flight path into Google maps? I did and they appear a little higher than the most economical route. The most direct route does take them though another particularity bad flight path but one has to ask did they really have to fly that exact course? Regardless operating a ground...
  9. elcarter

    Coopers Vintage Ale 2014

    Got a whole carton of the 2013 here waiting to be consumed, might be time to add another to the collection cheers.for the info.
  10. elcarter

    Stainless Steel HELP!

    Pictures do help, below is a hex nipple. These are the cheapest way to add a port to any stainless vessel ~$5. The hex part give a good base to weld to. The cap is just there til you find a use for the hole. The long stiky thing is a PTI 100 temp probe that's a scientific device that will allow...
  11. elcarter

    Stainless Steel HELP!

    Just tig a stainless hex nipple and then put a cap on it. When your ready you can install a PTI 100 probe for some serious ****.
  12. elcarter

    Brewtech SS fermenting vessels discussion thread

    My prochem supplier can get 3/8 3 piece ball valves in. Not cheap but will last you a life time. Part number below; VFB13010NGA 10 NPT (3/8″)
  13. elcarter

    Handy pails for grain storage.. Airtight?

    Cheap and effective. What more could you want.
  14. elcarter

    Handy pails for grain storage.. Airtight?

    I use these from bunnings but they just went up $5? 2 x 20L buckets fit a 25kg bag of grain perfectly. Some grain has been freshly sealed for up to 4 months so far with no issues. Works well but the lids can crack if pulled...
  15. elcarter

    Big W greed

    I'm trying to fix it :D Get in touch my friend, I'll happily see what I can source for you.
  16. elcarter

    Beer prices . AFL crowd numbers down.

    Adelaide oval general admission beer van next to me had Super **** and Heineken. 4 beers and didn't have a much more than a tenner in change. I think their paying for the new oval with beer prices.
  17. elcarter

    Reasons I'm broke..

    Brew cave / shop upgrade, This stuff costs quite a lot.
  18. elcarter

    2 eskies for mashing

    Mae a nice water feature by re-circulating between the two. Something like a double tier fountain where one uses gravity to run to the other then pump it back to the top to go again. Pink flamingo? ​Pics or it didn't happen :D
  19. elcarter

    Vegetarian Gel-it-in Queens

    Don't get me started on tofu...
  20. elcarter

    Vegetarian Gel-it-in Queens

    It really is hard to please everyone. I just found out one lad's brother wont eat gluten. He's not gluten intolerant jut decided he wont eat it any more. I'm not even going to try that one. Cheers for the vegan tips I don't usually hang around those sorts, or more they don't hang around my...